
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel


46. PYRALIDAE Subfamilies

Forewing with vein 7 absent
Forewing often ochreous or reddish brown; hindwing broad and unmarked.
Forewing with vein 7 present
2 (1)
Forewing with veins 8 and 9 separately out of 7, the latter rising from cell
Forewing with stalk of veins 8 and 9 from cell, vein 7 free from cell or stalk of veins 8 and 9 rising from vein 7
3 (2)
Wings brownish violet with two yellow transverse lines and yellow cilia. Body slender
One species, Hypsopygia costalis. Other species of this subfamily key out in couplet 6 of this key.
Forewing marked otherwise, hindwing unmarked; cilia not yellow. Body stout
Pronounced sexual dimorphism.
4 (2)
Forewing with common stalk of vein 8 and 9 rising from cell, vein 7 free from cell
Forewing with common stalk of vein 8 and 9 rising from vein 7
5 (4)
Hindwing with transverse vein well-developed
47.1 Pyraustinae (broad sense)
Forewing often triangular. Hindwing often with markings. Includes subfamilies Schoenobiinae, Nymphulinae, Odontiinae, Evergestinae and Pyraustinae (narrow sense)
Hindwing with transverse vein absent or obsolete
6 (4)
Hindwing with transverse vein well-developed
Hindwing with transverse vein absent or obsolete
7 (6)
Forewing in female wholly suffused blackish grey or dark greyish brown, in male pale grey with some discal spots. Maxillary palps pencil-like in male, in female obsolete
One species, Lamoria anella. Pronounced sexual dimorphism. Length labial palp less than half eye-diameter (male) or twice eye-diameter (female). Body stout. Other species of this subfamily key out in couplet 3 of this key.
Forewing usually brownish, often with pale longitudinal median streak. Maxillary palp well-developed, with projecting hair-scales causing triangular shape
Length labial palp at least two and a half times eye-diameter. Body slender.

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