
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Wings not cleft into lobes
Wings cleft into lobes
2 (1)
Forewing underside with four blackish dots in apical third of costal cilia
20.0-23.0mm. June and July. Forewing greyish.
Forewing underside without blackish dots in costal cilia
24.0-29.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing greyish ochreous, sometimes slightly darker.
3 (1)
Third lobe of hindwing with at least one more or less developed black scale-tooth in dorsal cilia from approximately two-thirds
Third lobe of hindwing without such a scale-tooth
Occasionally hindwing with some black scales in dorsal cilia of third lobe near wing base.
4 (3)
Forewing cleft from middle to two-thirds; the three lobes of hindwing of approximately equal width, particularly in distal half
Forewing cleft from at least three-fourth; first two lobes of hindwing broader than the third, particularly in distal half
5 (4)
Third lobe of hindwing with small scale-tooth in dorsal cilia at two-thirds
15.0-22.0mm. May to early September. Forewing light ochreous brown. In cilia of third lobe hindwing some scattered black scales.
Third lobe of hindwing with scale-tooth in dorsal cilia at or near apex
Forewing dark reddish brown; third lobe of hindwing also with black scales in upper cilia.
6 (5)
Third lobe of hindwing with scale-tooth around apex; smaller species, 13.0-17.0mm
Late May to late July. Dorsal cilia of second lobe forewing with uninterrupted cilia-line; second lobe of forewing without complete white bars.
Third lobe of hindwing with scale-tooth in dorsal cilia subapical or reaching apex; larger species, 17.0-22.0mm
Dorsal cilia of second lobe forewing without uninterrupted cilia-line; the two white bars on the first lobe are continued on the second lobe.
7 (6)
Third lobe of hindwing with two scale-teeth, separated by white scales. Second segment of labial palpus without scale-tuft
17.0-21.0mm. Late June and July. The absence of the tuft on the second segment of the labial palpus distinguishes this species from the Oxyptilus-species.
Third lobe of hindwing with one scale-tooth. Second segment of labial palpus with pointed scale-tuft
Scale-tuft on second segment of labial palpus at least half length of terminal segment. Sometimes the tuft joins the third segment, the latter appearing widened basally.
8 (7)
Third lobe of hindwing with black scales in upper cilia reaching apex; first lobe of forewing with both whitish bars diverging dorsally
19.0-22.0mm. June to August. Forewing brown with glossy white bars in the lobes.
Third lobe of hindwing with black scales in upper cilia not reaching apex (apex with white cilia); first lobe of forewing with both pale bars parallel
17.0-21.0mm. Late June to August. Forewing reddish brown with bars of first lobe yellowish white, not glossy.
9 (4)
Third lobe of hindwing with one large scale-tooth, almost apical
Third lobe of hindwing with one scale-tooth in middle of dorsum or with two scale-teeth, first well beyond middle of dorsum, second much smaller, at apex
10 (9)
Forewing ferruginous brown with two oblique white fasciae, first before middle (sometimes interrupted), second before fissure. Hindwing also ferruginous brown
17.0-25.0mm. July and August.
Forewing blackish brown with a pale costal spot at three-quarters, less distinct in male
20.5-27.0mm. June and July. Hindwing also blackish brown.
11 (9)
Labial palpus and frontal tuft long, approximately twice eye-diameter
Labial palpus and frontal tuft of moderate length, not exceeding one and a half times eye-diameter
12 (11)
Tibia of hind leg below middle-spurs with a whitish band
21.0-30.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing generally with markings more contrasting and apex more falcate than in P. pallidactyla. Hindwing with scale-tooth on third lobe more distinctly marked than in that species.
Tibia of hind leg below middle-spur wholly light brown
23.0-29.0mm. Early June to mid August. See remarks above.
13 (11)
Forewing with scale-tooth beyond middle of dorsum, scales in middle of tooth longer than in adjacent parts of tooth
15.0-21.0mm.Throughout the year; adult hibernates. Forewing dark reddish brown; costal blotch triangular, blackish brown.
Forewing with scale-tooth in or near middle of dorsum, scales of tooth of equal length
14 (13)
Forewing with triangular dark costal spot indistinct, distally ill-defined
22.0-25.0mm. Late May, June and late August, September. Forewing rather uniform brownish. Hindwing with scale-tooth on third lobe small, in middle.
Forewing with triangular dark costal spot sharply defined
15 (14)
Large species, 26.5-32.5mm. Forewing with terminal cilia yellowish
Early June to early September. Underside first lobe of hindwing generally without subapical whitish bar.
Smaller species, less than 26.5mm. Forewing with dark terminal cilia whitish
Underside first lobe of hindwing generally with subapical whitish bar.
16 (15)
Smaller species, 15.0-19.0mm. First lobe of forewing with dark basal third of terminal cilia not interrupted whitish in middle
Early June to early September. Frontal tuft half length eye-diameter. Forewing mixed yellowish and greyish brown; pale area beyond triangular dark apical blotch absent. Third lobe hindwing posteriorly with small dark scale-tooth in or before middle and often with an irregular row of dark scales. Tibia hindleg pale ochreous brown (not pure white) with dark markings. Female genitalia can be inspected without dissection: papiliae anales broad. No certain records known from The Netherlands.
Larger species, 18.5-26.5mm. First lobe of forewing with dark basal third of terminal cilia generally interrupted whitish in middle
Frontal tuft of equal length as eye-diameter. Forewing usually with pale area beyond triangular dark costal blotch. Third lobe hindwing posteriorly with small dark scale-tooth in middle without additional dark scales. Tibia hindleg with dark markings and at least in apical part pure white. Female with papillae anales broad or narrow.
17 (16)
Forewing greyish brown or reddish brown, less frequently yellowish brown or ochreous brown; triangular dark costal blotch outwardly edged whitish or followed by a whitish area (distinctly paler than ground colour); termen slightly concave, apex subfalcate
20.0-26.5mm. Mid May to early October. Female genitalia can be inspected without dissection: papillae anales narrow.
Forewing yellowish brown or ochreous brown, less frequently brown without yellowish or ochreous tinge; triangular dark costal blotch usually outwardly followed by an area slightly paler than ground colour; termen nearly straight, apex not projecting
18.5-23.0mm. Late May to early October. Female genitalia can be inspected without dissection: papillae anales broad.
18 (3)
Forewing cleft approximately from middle or before
Both lobes of forewing linear, terminating in a point.
Forewing cleft approximately from three-fifth or beyond
Lobes of forewing not linear; at least second lobe not pointed, but rounded or with a more or less pronounced tornus.
19 (18)
Small species, 11.5-14.0mm
Late May to mid August. Forewing cleft from before middle; first lobe brownish with two slender white bars. Hindleg marked brown and white.
Larger species, 19.0-27.0mm
Forewing cleft from about middle; forewing predominantly white, yellowish white or ochreous white. Hindleg unicolorous pale.
20 (19)
Forewing with blackish marks before base of fissure
Forewing without dark marks before base of fissure
21 (20)
Forewing with two black dots before base of fissure (often somewhat extended) and a black dot in disc at one-third
22.0-27.0mm. June and July. Forewing yellowish white.
Forewing without such dots, but with an ill-defined dark blotch before base of fissure, extended towards costa
20.0-23.0mm. Early June to early August. Forewing ochreous white.
22 (21)
Wings including cilia pure white
24.0-27.0mm. Late May to early September. Wings with some scattered black scales.
Wings including cilia not pure white, but yellowish white or ochreous white
23 (22)
Forewing with costal cilia entirely dark brown. Hindwing dark grey, lobes whitish at tips
19.0-23.0mm. Early June to early August. Forewing yellowish white, costa more or less broadly suffused blackish brown.
Forewing with costal cilia mixed dark brown and whitish, and a dark mark at three-fifth. Hindwing grey, lobes paler at tips
20.0-26.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing ochreous white or pale ochreous yellow.
24 (18)
Midleg with tibia thickened with scales in middle at origin of spurs, or both in middle and at apex
Midleg with tibia simple, not thickened with scales
25 (24)
Larger species, 24.0-30.0mm. Midleg with tibia conspicuously thickened with dark brown scales in middle and at apex
Early July to early September. Forewing pale brown, mixed whitish and irrorated black; markings black.
Smaller species, 18.0-23.0mm. Midleg with tibia thickened with scales only in middle at origin of spurs
July. Forewing blackish brown with whitish dot before base of fissure and two often indistinct whitish costal spots beyond middle.
26 (24)
Forewing dark ochreous brown; around base of fissure a characteristic crescent-shaped yellowish fascia-like dot, ill-defined
24.0-30.0mm. Late May to early August. Hindwing dark brown.
Forewing coloured and marked otherwise
27 (26)
Face with horny prominence and tuft. First lobe of forewing with more or less pronounced tornus. Labial palpus with second segment triangular, third segment blunt
Face rounded and without tuft. First lobe of forewing terminating in a point. Labial palpus slender, third segment pointed
28 (27)
First lobe of forewing with terminal cilia whitish, black at base (usually interrupted) and with thick distinct blackish brown longitudinal dash in middle (usually interrupted)
18.0-24.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing greyish brown, dorsum tinged ochreous. The Stenoptilia-species with the most pronounced termen and tornus.
First lobe of forewing with terminal cilia otherwise; without or with a slender and indistinct dark longitudinal dash
29 (28)
Forewing with at least edge of costal cilia white or whitish along whole costa or only towards apex
Forewing with costal cilia unicolorous dark
30 (29)
Forewing greyish, not brownish tinged, sometimes ochreous along dorsum; first lobe with two blackish dots at tornus (occasionally small or indistinct)
19.0-22.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing with blackish dot at base of fissure, sometimes a smaller one above this.
Forewing more brown or brownish than greyish, dorsum sometimes ochreous tinged; first lobe with one or without blackish dot in cilia of termen
31 (30)
Forewing reddish brown, paler dorsally; at base of fissure two blackish dots, one above the other (the uppermost sometimes indistinct)
20.0-24.0mm. Late May to mid August.
Forewing greyish ochre, paler dorsally; at base of fissure two more or less confluent blackish dots, the uppermost more basally, but sometimes indistinct or absent
19.0-21.5mm. July and early August. See couplet 38.
32 (27)
Hindwing with second lobe not expanded beyond base
Hindwing with second lobe expanding beyond base, then tapering towards apex
33 (32)
Larger species : 23.0-28.0mm. Forewing with ground colour from pale yellowish grey to reddish brown. Hindleg with inner midspur of tibia one and a half to two times longer than outer midspur
February to December.
Smaller species, 10.0-23.0mm. Forewing with ground colour yellowish white. Hindleg with midspurs of tibia generally approximately of equal length (length of inner midspur not exceeding one and a half times length of outer midspur)
34 (33)
Forewing with vein 10 out of 8. Generally smaller species, 10.0-18.0mm
Mid May to late August. Labial palpus pale ochreous above, impure white beneath, both colours not edged distinctly.
Forewing with vein 10 separate. Generally larger species, 16.0-23.0mm
Early June to early September. Labial palpus dark brown above, pure white beneath, both colours edged distinctly.
35 (32)
Forewing without dark costal mark slightly beyond base of fissure; two transversely placed blackish dots at base of fissure
18.0-24.0mm. Mid June to late July. Forewing pale ochreous grey with blackish scaling.
Forewing with dark costal mark slightly beyond base of fissure; one blackish dot or mark at base of fissure
36 (35)
Second lobe of forewing at least with one dark dot at apex
15.0-20.0mm. Mid June to early August. Forewing ochreous brown; a dark dash at base of fissure.
Second lobe of forewing without dark dots
37 (36)
Forewing pale greyish, suffused greyish brown or reddish brown. Abdomen white
19.0-22.0mm. Late May to early August. For genitalia see next species.
Forewing whitish yellow, suffused brown. Abdomen yellow
16.5-20.5mm. Early July to mid August. Genitalia can be inspected without dissection. In male H. didactylites spine of left valva somewhat longer than valva, in H. distinctus spine not discernible. Papillae anales in female of H. didactylites rounded, in H. distinctus cut off obliquely.
38 (29)
Forewing at base of fissure with two blackish dots, one above the other; usually confluent to form an oblong blackish dot
19.0-23.5mm. Late May to early September. Forewing brownish grey, somewhat sprinkled black and white, ochreous dorsally.
Forewing at base of fissure with two blackish dots, the uppermost more basally, more or less confluent
See couplet 31.

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