
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Forewing unicolorous without markings or scattered distinctly paler scales
Forewing with markings or scattered paler scales
2 (1)
Hindwing less than three-quarters width forewing
Hindwing more than three-quarters width forewing
3 (2)
Forewing with purplish reflections, sometimes faint. Hindwing 0.5-0.6 times width forewing. Labial palpus straight, slightly ascending. Hindleg unicolorous dark
9.0-11.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing dark brown. Frons, vertex and thorax dark brown with slight purplish gloss.
Forewing without purplish reflections or at most faintly near apex. Hindwing 0.6-0.7 times width forewing
4 (3)
Forewing greyish olive brown, glossy. Hindtibia with inner side whitish
9.0-11.0mm. Late May to mid July. Hindwing 0.6 times width forewing. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae greyish olive brown, glossy. See couplet 9.
Forewing dark brown, not glossy. Femur hindleg with numerous white scales, also tibia with paler scales
S. siccella (part)
Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae dark brown. See couplets 11 and 13.
5 (2)
Larger species, 12.5-17.0mm. Forewing greyish olive brown, glossy, sometimes with very faint purplish reflections
Late June to early August. Anal brush in male with pale ochreous curly tufts. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae greyish olive brown. Abdomen ventrally ochreous white, slightly darker anteriorly.
Smaller species, 9.0-12.5mm. Forewing dark purplish brown or dark brown
Abdomen ventrally brown or darker with at most two segments white posteriorly.
6 (5)
Forewing dark brown with distinct purplish reflection
See couplet 11.
Forewing dark brown without purplish reflection
9.0-11.5mm. Mid June to early August. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae dark brown.
7 (1)
Forewing with scattered paler scales
Forewing with markings consisting of dots or longitudinal streaks
8 (7)
Larger species, 13.0-17.0mm. Forewing blackish with scattered whitish scales, especially in apical area and in fold
July and August. Forewing without pale brownish scales. Frons and vertex blackish brown. Thorax and tegulae blackish brown with a few paler scales. See couplet 16.
Smaller species, 9.0-13.0mm. Forewing dark brown or greyish olive brown with scattered whitish or pale brownish scales
9 (8)
Forewing glossy greyish olive brown with paler scales on fold
See couplet 4.
Forewing dark brown, not glossy, with whitish or brownish scales usually also in apical area
10 (9)
Forewing with scattered white scales on fold and often also in apical area. Hindwing 0.7 to 0.8 times width forewing
8.0-11.0mm. Late May and June. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae dark brown. See couplet 15.
Forewing with scattered pale brownish or ochreous scales in apical area and on fold.
11 (10)
Hindwing 0.6 to 0.7 times width forewing
S. siccella (part)
8.0-10.0mm. Late May to mid June. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae dark brown. See couplets 4 and 13.
Hindwing of equal with as forewing
10.0-12.5mm. Late May to early August. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae dark brown. See couplet 6.
12 (7)
Smaller species, 8.0-10.0mm. Forewing without pale basal streak on fold, but often with streaks or spots
Larger species, 10.0-17.0mm. Forewing with pale basal streak on fold
13 (12)
Forewing dark grey with several white blotches. Labial palpus with second segment white
8.0-10.0mm. Late June and July. Forewing at least with two elongate white spots in fold.
Forewing dark brown with whitish streak on fold. Labial palpus with second segment whitish only in basal half, apical half dark brown
S. siccella (part)
See couplets 4 and 11.
14 (12)
Forewing only with pale basal streak on fold, often interrupted, usually with scattered pale scales elsewhere on wing
Forewing in addition to pale streak and pale scaling with other pale markings
15 (14)
Smaller species, 10.0-13.0mm
Forewing with white basal streak on fold often interrupted; usually also scattered white scaling in apical area. See couplet 10.
Larger species, 13.0-17.0mm
16 (15)
Forewing greyish brown, usually with white basal streak, edged posteriorly with two or three brown spots
14.0-16.0mm. Late June to late August (elsewhere in Europe). Forewing with white scaling also in apical area. Hindwing 0.9 times width forewing. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae greyish brown with variable white scaling.
Forewing black with whitish basal streak, not edged posteriorly with two or three brown spots, but often interrupted
Forewing with white scaling especially in apical area, but also on rest wing. Hindwing 0.8 times width forewing. See couplet 8.
17 (14)
Forewing with pale basal streak, pale spot at cell end and often pale dorsal blotch near base
Forewing with many additional pale markings
18 (17)
Forewing deep brown with purplish tinge; basal streak and spot at cell end yellowish, without further markings or pale scaling
12.0-14.0mm. July. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae brown.
Forewing dark olive brown without purplish tinge; basal streak, spot at cell end whitish, sometimes mixed ochreous; further markings such as pale dorsal blotch near base and the rather numerous pale scales, coloured pale ochreous
S. cicadella (part)
10.0-12.0mm. June and July. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae dark brown with some white scales. See couplet 19.
19 (17)
Larger species, 12.5-17.0mm
Late May to mid August. Forewing dark olive brown with extensive creamy markings. Hindwing 0.8 times width forewing. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae dark olive brown.
Smaller species, 10.0-12.0mm
S. cicadella (part)
Forewing dark olive brown with extensive whitish and pale ochreous markings. Hindwing 0.7 times width forewing. See couplet 18.

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