
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Vertex dark metallic plumbeous or shining dark brown, often with purplish reflections
Vertex varying from white to grey and dark brown, not metallic plumbeous, shining dark brown or with purplish reflections
2 (1)
Forewing without white costal spot. Forewing almost unicolorous dark brown with purplish reflections; only irregular white spot in disc beyond middle present
9.0-10.5mm. August to April, hibernating as an adult (in Great Britain). Frons silvery, vertex shining dark brown with purplish reflections. Labial palpus white, terminal segment blackish brown.
Forewing with white costal spot. Forewing marked and coloured otherwise
3 (2)
Forewing with basal area unicolorous blackish brown; metallic plumbeous fascia along termen extending to apex
7.0-11.5mm. Mid May to early September. Forewing blackish brown with orangeous markings and metallic plumbeous spots and fasciae. Frons creamy; vertex shining grey, blackish brown posteriorly. Flagellum dark grey in both sexes.
Forewing with basal area metallic plumbeous with rather large black blotch costally; metallic plumbeous fascia along termen absent
4 (3)
Forewing with black costal blotch in basal area extending along costa to base. Frons silvery grey
9.0-13.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing orange with black, metallic plumbeous and white markings. Flagellum male blackish brown throughout, in female annulated white, white apically. Vertex shining blackish brown.
Forewing with black costal blotch in basal area not extending to base. Frons ochreous white
7.0-10.0mm. July and August (in Great Britain). Forewing orange with black, metallic plumbeous and white markings. Flagellum blackish brown, white apically in both sexes.
5 (1)
Forewing predominantly pale ochreous or ochreous yellow
Forewing predominantly greyish brown to blackish brown
To this alternative belongs the largest Dutch Mompha species (17.0-20.0mm), ground colour of its forewing ochreous with four rather large greyish spots (couplet 11).
6 (5)
Larger species, 14.0-16.0mm. Forewing ochreous yellow, irrorated pale ferruginous. Hindwing yellowish white
Late May to early August. Forewing with two tufts of dark brown scales above dorsum. Flagellum yellowish white, annulated pale greyish brown. Frons yellowish white, on vertex mixed with a few ochreous hair-scales.
Smaller species, 10.0-13.0mm. Forewing pale ochreous, irrorated brownish or greyish. Hindwing dark grey
Almost throughout the year; adult hibernates. Forewing with some obscure blackish brown spots on costa and dorsum; two tufts of dark brown scales above dorsum. Flagellum dark greyish brown, not annulated. Frons and vertex yellowish white.
7 (5)
Forewing with fascia at three-quarters (often interrupted in middle) and also basal half of dorsal area coloured ochreous
11.0-14.0mm. September to April; adult hibernates. Forewing dark greyish brown; large spot in basal third and an elongate one at one-half, both dark brown, particularly in male dark markings indistinct. Frons creamy, vertex brownish. Flagellum dark grey throughout.
Forewing with at least pale fascia (and also costal and dorsal spots) in distal half white-coloured
8 (7)
Forewing without tornal spot or white fascia in distal area, but with costal spot at three-quarters
7.0-9.0mm. Late April to October (in Great Britain). Forewing brownish grey, partly tinged ferruginous, two oblique grey fasciae, before and beyond middle respectively. Frons creamy, vertex grey. Flagellum grey, annulated paler in basal half.
Forewing with white tornal and dorsal spots or white fascia in distal area
9 (8)
Vertex and thorax white or creamy
11.0-12.5mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing dark brownish grey with a complicated pattern of white and ferruginous orange markings and black scale tufts. Frons whitish. Flagellum dark grey throughout.
Vertex varying from grey to dark brown, thorax from brown to blackish
10 (9)
Thorax blackish, greyish posteriorly
14.0-17.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing dark grey with a complicated pattern of white, ferruginous orange and bluish plumbeous metallic markings and black scale tufts. Frons pale greyish; vertex grey. Flagellum dark grey throughout.
Thorax ochreous to dark brown and dark grey, rather unicolorous
11 (10)
Larger species, 17.0-20.0mm. Forewing ochreous, ochreous yellow dorsally; two costal and two sub-dorsal greyish spots
Late May to early July. Forewing with two sub-dorsal greyish spots containing tufts of dark brown and yellow scales.
Smaller species, 7.5-13.5mm. Forewing coloured and marked otherwise
12 (11)
Forewing with irregular greyish white transverse fascia before middle, not reaching costa and widening towards dorsum. Vertex and thorax grey, mottled pale grey
Forewing without such a fascia. Vertex and thorax ochreous with dark-tipped scales
13 (12)
Forewing with black interrupted longitudinal streak from base to termen; some ferruginous streaks or scales in middle of wing; in apical quarter two or three white costal strigulae
11.5-13.5mm. July to November and the next year to May; the adult hibernates. Forewing grey in basal half, dark grey in distal part; greyish white fascia at two-fifth and a more distinct one at three-fourth. Second segment labial palpus with some greyish bars distally. Frons shining white.
Forewing without black interrupted streak from base to termen; ferruginous streaks or scales in middle of wing absent; pale costal strigulae in apical area absent
7.5-12.5mm. Throughout the year; the adult hibernates. Forewing dark grey; greyish white fascia at two-fifth and a more distinct one at three-fourth, sometimes interrupted. Second segment labial palpus without greyish bars distally. Frons shining whitish.
14 (12)
Forewing with basal half in dorsal area pure white, somewhat ochreous towards base, occasionally divided by greyish brown spot
M. divisella
10.0-13.0mm. September, October and the next year to early June; the adult hibernates. Forewing dark greyish brown; white fascia at three-quarters. Frons whitish.
Forewing with basal half in dorsal area ochreous white, markings irrorate with dark scales, usually broadly divided by strong greyish brown suffusion
9.0-11.0mm. Mid July to early September and the next year to late May; the adult hibernates (in Great Britain). Forewing dark greyish brown; white fascia at three-quarters, sometimes interrupted. Frons whitish.

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