
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Hindwing with veins 3 an 4 originating clearly separated from cell
Hindwing with vein 2 originating from cell at two-thirds to three-fourth of its length.
Hindwing with veins 3 and 4 stalked, connate or approximated
2 (1)
Antennal scape with pecten
11.0-19.0mm. June to October (indoors). Forewing ochreous, more or less sprinkled dark brown; often blackish streak in fold extending to plical stigma.
Antennal scape without pecten
3 (2)
Labial palpus with second segment longer than head; terminal segment usually flattened and rather short, pointed and broadest in middle
Species belonging to the genus Metzneria, characteristic moths with forewing lanceolate, and to the genus Atremaea with broad wings.
Labial palpus with second segment at most of equal length as head; terminal segment needle-shaped
4 (3)
Labial palpus with length terminal segment two-thirds second; terminal segment only with a few appressed scales
13.0-16.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing pale ochreous, more or less suffused reddish brown; stigmata absent, veins grey; pale fascia in apical area, not reaching costa; cilia pale ochreous brown with one dark cilia-line.
Labial palpus with length terminal segment half second; terminal segment with many appressed scales
5 (4)
Forewing without stigmata
15.0-18.0mm. May to August (in Britain). Forewing ochreous, variably suffused reddish orange, veins greyish brown; cilia ochreous grey with one dark cilia-line.
Forewing with first discal, second discal and plical stigmata present; first discal sometimes obsolete
6 (5)
Forewing with one dark cilia-line, occasionally absent; pale ochreous yellow, reddish ochreous towards costa; variably suffused grey, sprinkled dark greyish brown
13.0-19.0mm. Late May to early July.
Forewing with two dark cilia-lines, one at base, another at one-third, the latter sometimes interrupted and absent in tornal area
15.0-20.0mm. Late May to early August.
7 (3)
Segment 2 of labial palpus with long loose projecting hairs beneath
Segment 2 of labial palpus without such hairs
8 (7)
Forewing with oblique whitish line from costa at three-quarters, not extending to termen; stigmata absent
10.0-12.0mm. Early July to early August. Forewing variable; pale form with forewing pale ochreous, suffused dark brown towards costa; dark form with forewing wholly suffused dark brown except for the oblique whitish line.
Forewing with oblique whitish line from costa at four-fifth to middle of termen, extending into cilia; stigmata present
9 (8)
Smaller species, 11.0-14.5mm. Tegulae pale ochreous to brown
Late June to early September, mainly mid July to mid August.
Larger species, 15.0-16.0mm. Tegulae whitish
June to early August.
10 (7)
Labial palpus short, not longer than head
Labial palpus long, longer than head
11 (10)
Forewing bright orange with silvery markings
8.0-10.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing with fascia before middle (sometimes interrupted) and about eight irregular spots.
Forewing dark purplish grey with yellowish markings
8.0-10.0mm. Late April to early August. Forewing usually with four spots.
12 (10)
Forewing with vein 4 absent; predominantly whitish or whitish and blackish
Forewing with vein 4 present; not predominantly whitish or whitish and blackish
Forewing of Apatetris kinkerella greyish white (see couplet 15).
13 (12)
Forewing white with irregular blackish fascia from about one-third of costa, outwardly oblique towards dorsum, broader than adjacent fasciae of white ground colour
10.0-11.0mm. Mid June to early August. Forewing with vein 6 separate from 7 and 8.
Forewing whitish with irregular, usually incomplete blackish fascia from two-thirds of costa, more or less parallel to termen, markedly narrower than adjacent whitish transverse bands of ground colour
Forewing with veins 7 and 8 originating from 6.
14 (13)
Hindwing relatively narrow, greatest length more than five times greatest width. Moths from late July to late September
9.0-12.0mm. Forewing whitish with almost complete blackish brown fascia from two-thirds of costa, inwardly oblique.
Hindwing relatively broad, greatest length less than five times greatest width. Moths from late April to late May
See preceding species.
15 (12)
Hindwing with notch beneath apex. Labial palpus with terminal segment shorter than half second
10.0-11.5mm. Early June to early July. Forewing greyish white, suffused greyish towards dorsum and apex.
Hindwing without notch beneath apex. Labial palpus with terminal segment longer than half second
16 (15)
Forewing with shining metallic silver or silvery white markings
Forewing without metallic markings
17 (16)
Forewing purplish bronzy brown with a dozen, sometimes more bluish silvery spots and oblique incomplete fascia of same colour from costa at one-sixth
10.0-14.0mm. June and July. Frons and vertex bronzy purple.
Forewing with at least two silver or silvery white fasciae or transverse lines, sometimes slender and indistinct
18 (17)
Vertex ochreous. Forewing ochreous, partially suffused reddish brown, transverse lines slender, often interrupted or indistinct
9.0-10.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing whitish ochreous with four slender silvery fasciae. Frons ochreous.
Vertex white or greyish. Forewing dark brown or bronzy blackish brown with three or four silver or silvery white fasciae
19 (18)
Larger species, 12.0-13.0mm. Vertex greyish. Forewing dark brown with silvery white markings, a spot on dorsum at base, a fascia at one-sixth, two fasciae near middle (often confluent near dorsum) and costal and tornal spots (sometimes connected)
Late May to early September. Flagellum blackish brown throughout.
Smaller species, 6.5-11.0mm. Vertex white. Forewing bronzy blackish brown with two or three shining silver fasciae
20 (19)
Small species, 6.5-8.0mm. Flagellum greyish white, annulated dark throughout
May and June. Forewing with two silvery fasciae at one-fifth and two-fifth respectively, not reaching dorsum; silvery costal and tornal spots often confluent.
Larger species, 8.0-11.0mm. Flagellum white in apical third, basal two-fifths unicolorous or annulated
Late June to early September. Forewing with two silvery bars from costa, at one-quarter and at middle respectively, straight fascia at three-quarters, sometimes interrupted or obsolete.
21 (16)
Labial palpus rather short, only slightly ascending or slightly curved upwards, but not exceeding vertex
Labial palpus long, curved upwards and exceeding vertex
22 (21)
Vertex and labial palpus yellowish orange
9.0-12.0mm. Late July to late August. Forewing dark brown sprinkled pale greyish, dorsally mixed ferruginous orange; pale markings usually indistinct. Frons yellowish orange or whitish. Thorax and tegulae blackish brown.
Vertex and labial palpus white
8.0-12.0mm. Late June to early September. Moth shows some similarity to a coleophorid. Forewing pale ochreous yellow with variable faint white markings and some black scales mostly arranged in longitudinal rows. Frons white. Thorax whitish.
23 (21)
Forewing dark brown with pale reddish ochreous dorsal streak from base to termen
12.0-14.0mm. June and July (in Britain). Forewing with three obsolete white fasciae; costal and tornal spots pure white.
Forewing without such a pale dorsal streak
24 (23)
Forewing without dark stigmata
Forewing with at least one of the discal and plical stigmata present, occasionally indistinct
25 (24)
Labial palpus ochreous yellow or whitish with at least third segment marked blackish brown (lower edge lined dark)
Labial palpus dark grey or blackish throughout, sometimes tinged purplish
26 (25)
Labial palpus with lower edge of third segment lined blackish brown without further dark markings
11.0-13.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing blackish brown with ochreous yellow or whitish costal and tornal spots.
Labial palpus with basal segment wholly blackish brown, lower edge of second and third segment lined blackish brown
8.0-13.0mm. May to September (in Britain). Forewing blackish brown with whitish costal spot at two-thirds (occasionally obsolete) and sometimes a few whitish scales at tornus. See couplet 40.
27 (25)
Forewing blackish brown, faintly purplish tinged; paler sprinkled
11.0-12.0mm. Early June to early August. Forewing usually with indistinct stigmata. Labial palpus with second and third segment of equal length. Frons and vertex dark grey. Flagellum blackish brown, not annulated, often faintly annulated in apical fifth. see couplet 38.
Forewing unicolorous dark bronzy brown without paler sprinkling
28 (27)
Labial palpus with terminal segment as long as second. Flagellum blackish throughout in both sexes
10.0-13.0mm. Late May to early August.
Labial palpus with terminal segment three-quarters length of second. Flagellum in male wholly blackish, in female with apical third white
9.5-12.0mm. Late May to early August.
29 (24)
Forewing pale greyish yellow with interneural spaces streaked blackish and veins marked white. Hindwing with short apex, termen rounded
15.0-19.0mm. Late June to mid August. Large species with characteristic appearance.
Forewing without blackish longitudinal streaks between veins. Hindwing trapezoidal with produced and pointed apex
30 (29)
Forewing only with second discal stigma present (occasionally indistinct), other stigmata absent
Forewing with two, three or four stigmata (occasionally indistinct)
31 (29)
Vertex ochreous white
9.0-13.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing ochreous white, apical third irrorated brownish; second discal and costal spot at three-fifth present, all black; plical and first discal occasionally represented by a few black scales. Frons and thorax ochreous white.
Vertex ranging from ochreous brown to blackish brown
32 (31)
Hindwing pale grey. Abdomen dorsally ochreous yellow towards base.
14.0-17.0 mm. Late June to early August. Forewing relatively broad, length costa less than five times greatest width, ground colour either pale ochreous brown or glossy blackish brown; only second discal present, indistinct in dark form; sometimes indistinct paler blotches or streaks mainly in distal half of wing. Frons, vertex and thorax ochreous brown to blackish brown.
Hindwing grey to dark greyish brown. Abdomen unicolorous. Generally smaller species
33 (32)
Forewing as broad as hindwing; with irregular ochreous white blotch in disc beyond middle, sometimes indistinct. 12.0-14.0mm occasionally 10.5-12.0 and 14.0-16.5mm
Mid June to early September. Forewing relatively narrow, length costa more than five and a half times greatest width; ground colour ranging from pale ochreous brown to dark brown with paler blotches, sometimes indistinct or absent. Hingwing grey. Frons and vertex dark brown. Thorax ochreous to dark brown.
Forewing broader than hindwing; without such blotch
34 (33)
Forewing with outwardly oblique whitish costal streak at three-quarters
7.5-10.5mm. June and July. Forewing grey with dark-tipped scales. Hindwing grey. Frons, vertex and thorax grey. Flagellum grey, indistinctly annulated paler throughout.
Forewing with series of indistinct whitish spots along distal third of costa, sometimes only cilia checkered whitish and dark
M. hornigi (part)
9.0-13.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing blackish brown; at least second discal stigma present. Hindwing dark greyish brown. Frons beige, vertex, thorax and tegulae blackish brown. Flagellum dark brown, usually indistinctly annulated paler in proximal half, apical half irregularly annulated white. see coouplet 40.
35 (30)
Forewing with two plical and two discal stigmata
9.0-11.0mm. June, July. Forewing brown, whitish sprinkled; stigmata black and conspicuous, plical stigmata and first discal elongated, second discal roundish. Frons mixed dark brown and whitish; vertex, thorax and tegulae dark brown.
Forewing with less than four stigmata
Forewing occasionally with indistinct dark elongate marks in disc towards base.
36 (35)
Abdomen with segments two and three ochreous yellow dorsally, contrasting with greyish colour of rest abdomen
11.0-16.0mm. Mid June to early August. Forewing dark brown; stigmata darker, obscure; moreover indistinct dark elongate marks in disc towards base. Vertex dark grey; frons in male grey, ochreous white in female. Thorax dark grey. Flagellum annulated dark brown and grey or whitish.
Abdomen unicolorous dorsally
37 (36)
Forewing with costal area broadly suffused ochreous white, contrasting with darker brown of rest wing. Larger species, 15.0-16.0mm
Early June to early August. Forewing with first discal absent, second discal roundish and an elongate plical, both black. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae ochreous. Flagellum annulated brown and whitish.
Forewing with costal area not broadly suffused paler. Smaller species, 9.0-13.0mm
38 (37)
Forewing without whitish costal spots
Forewing with dark stigmata not elongated, indistinct. See couplet 27.
Forewing with one or more whitish costal spots in apical third, often small and sometimes indistinct
Forewing with dark stigmata usually elongated, sometimes indistinct.
39 (38)
Forewing with dark costal streak near base, extending to middle of wing. Frons whitish. Labial palpus whitish
9.0-10.0mm. June and July (in Britain). Forewing very elongate and pointed; blackish brown without paler irroration; stigmata blackish, second discal stigma (at two-thirds) elongated. Vertex and thorax dark brown. Flagellum dark brown, obscurely annulated whitish.
Forewing without dark costal streak near base. Frons beige or brown. Labial palpus whitish, marked blackish brown
Forewing with second discal roundish.
40 (39)
Forewing with one whitish costal spot at two-thirds, occasionally obsolete. Flagellum unicolorous blackish brown
11.0-12.0mm. Forewing blackish brown, sometimes with a few whitish scales at tornus, but without paler irroration. See couplet 26.
Forewing with series of small whitish spots along distal third of costa, usually indistinct. Flagellum indistinctly annulated blackish brown and whitish in basal one-half, apical one-half with irregularly distributed white rings
9.0-13.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing blackish brown without whitish scales at tornus, but with obscure paler irroration. Frons bronzy; vertex dark bronzy. Thorax and tegulae dark bronzy to blackish brown. See couplet 34.
41 (1)
Labial palpus with ventral hair-scales of second segment forming a large tuft
Labial palpus with second segment without large tuft beneath
Sometimes second segment of labial palpus thickened with appressed scales or occasionally with raised scales, but not forming a large tuft.
42 (41)
Forewing with white costal longitudinal streak from base or near base to beyond middle, often to near apex
Forewing without such costal streak
43 (42)
Forewing with white streaks along costa and dorsum
14.5-17.0mm. Late May to mid August. Forewing shining brown; white costal streak from base to near apex. Frons, vertex and thorax white, tegulae brown.
Forewing with white streak along costa only
16.0-19.0mm. Mid June to early August. Forewing dark brown; costal streak from near base to beyond middle; stigmata and a few additional markings present, all blackish. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae grey.
44 (42)
Smaller species, 10.0-15.0mm
Larger species, 15.0-23.0mm
45 (44)
Forewing deep ochreous yellow
12.5-16.0mm. July. Forewing with black stigmata, rather large plical, both discals small, sometimes obsolete. See couplet 53 (larger specimens).
Forewing greyish or ochreous grey
46 (45)
Frons whitish; vertex reddish brown. Forewing with dark costal spot at base and four or five interrupted longitudinal dark brown streaks from near base to apical area
10.0-13.5mm. Mid June to mid August. Forewing ochreous grey, without series of dark costal marks. Labial palpus with third segment exposed in both sexes.
Frons and vertex from whitish grey to dark grey. Forewing without dark costal spot at base and with dark markings otherwise
Labial palpus with third segment in male very short and concealed in tuft, in female longer and exposed.
47 (46)
Forewing grey with indistinct, dark grey markings, occasionally absent
12.0-15.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing often with indistinct greyish spot in middle. Frons and vertex greyish white to grey. Thorax and tegulae grey.
Forewing greyish with contrasting blackish streaks and dots
11.0-14.5mm. June to August. Forewing with conspicuous blackish costal spot in middle. Frons and vertex grey mottled pale grey.
48 (44)
Forewing without dark markings
15.5-23.0mm. May and June. Forewing dark reddish brown, darker towards termen; towards costa broadly irrorated pale ochreous yellow, sometimes indistinct. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae reddish brown.
Forewing with dark markings
49 (48)
Forewing with large triangular blackish brown mid-costal blotch
15.0-19.0mm. Mid June to late September. Forewing whitish; small dark costal dots in apical half. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae greyish brown.
Forewing without such large dark costal blotch
50 (49)
Forewing ferruginous brown; stigmata indistinct
20.0-23.0mm. May and June. Forewing with broad angulated darker fascia at two-thirds. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae brownish grey
Forewing brownish, ochreous yellow, pale ochreous or grey, not ferruginous; stigmata distinct
51 (50)
Forewing grey or brownish grey with black streaks
Forewing pale ochreous or ochreous yellow with black dots not elongated
52 (51)
Forewing with apical area blackish and with blackish spot at four-fifth of costa
Gelechia rhombelliformis
17.0-22.0mm. August and early September. Forewing brownish grey mottled with paler and darker scales; three black streaks in middle of wing. Second segment of labial palp with tuft of black scales and whitish apex. See couplet 119.
Forewing with apical area concolorous with rest of wing, blackish costal spot at four-fifth absent
15.0-18.0mm. Late July to early September. Forewing grey or brownish grey, long black streak in disc including discal stigmata and interrupted by white mark. Second segment of labial palp and tuft with basal third blackish and distal two-thirds whitish.
53 (51)
Forewing pale ochreous with small black dot on base of costa and distinct terminal black spots
16.0-22.0mm. Late May and June; in Britain also in September. Forewing with black stigmata, first discal often absent, plical small.
Forewing ochreous yellow without black dot on base of costa and without terminal black spots
12.5-16.5mm. See couplet 45.
54 (41)
Labial palpus with third segment provided with rough forward-projecting hair-scales posteriorly
15.0-17.0mm. Mid July to early October. Forewing brown, irregularly mixed whitish and blackish; three transverse marks of raised blackish scales in disc.
Labial palpus with third segment without projecting hair-scales posteriorly
55 (54)
Labial palpus with length terminal segment at least four-thirds of second
Labial palpus slender and strongly curved, largely exceeding vertex.
Labial palpus with length terminal segment as long as second or shorter
56 (55)
Smaller species, 10.0-13.0mm
July and August. Forewing almost unicolorous blackish, slightly violet-tinged; stigmata and transverse fascia at two-thirds black and indistinct; cilia unicolorous blackish brown.
Larger species, 14.0-19.0mm
Forewing with apical cilia paler than rest of wing, with two dark cilia-lines.
57 (56)
Forewing very variable, from almost unmarked blackish brown to blackish brown with white and black markings; markings often distinct, transverse pale fascia at three-quarters (if discernible) strongly zigzagging in costal half
16.0-19.0mm. Late June to early September. From A. populella only reliably separated by means of the genitalia.
Forewing very variable, from almost unmarked dark brown to dark brown with whitish and blackish markings; markings however often indistinct, transverse pale fascia at three-quarters (if discernible) more undulated than zigzagged in costal half.
14.0-19.0mm. Mid June to early September. Identification with certainty only by the genitalia.
58 (55)
Hindwing with cilia at vein 2 at least one and a half times longer than largest width of hindwing (at vein 5). Forewing with veins 7 and 8 separate out of 6; sometimes 7 absent
Hindwing with apex acute (not rounded) and termen sinuate, Vertex whitish.
Hindwing with cilia at vein 2 two-thirds to one and a quarter times longer than largest width of hindwing (at vein 5). Forewing with vein 8 out of 7
Hindwing with apex rounded or acute.
59 (58)
Forewing whitish with black and blackish brown markings
10.0-11.0mm. Early July to early August. Forewing whitish with blackish markings; apical cilia with three dark cilia-lines, only one extending to tornus. Frons pale grey; vertex, thorax and tegulae mixed white and greyish white.
Forewing dark grey or blackish with white or whitish markings
60 (59)
Forewing blackish with broad whitish fascia at one-third. Larger species, 14.0-15.0mm
Late June to early August. Forewing with stigmata and a dot below second discal indistinctly blackish; white spots on tornus and on costa opposite. Frons and vertex white. Thorax and tegulae blackish brown.
Forewing dark grey, whitish sprinkled, with oblique narrow white fascia at one-quarter. Smaller species, 10.0-13.0mm
Late June to early August. Forewing with indistinct dark stigmata; white costal spot before and another beyond middle; white tornal spot. Frons and vertex white. Thorax and tegulae dark brown, mottled whitish.
61 (58)
Labial palpus with second segment not conspicuously thickened with hair-scales, smooth beneath
Labial palpus with second segment sometimes rather broad or slightly thickened with hair-scales, but always with appressed hair-scales.
Labial palpus with second segment roughly thickened with hair-scales or more or less burrowed beneath
62 (61)
Hindwing with apex hardly pointed or even rounded; cilia at vein 2 distinctly shorter than greatest width of wing
Hindwing with apex pointed and produced; cilia at vein 2 as long as greatest width of wing or nearly so
63 (62)
Forewing without dark stigmata or terminal spots
Forewing with dark stigmata
64 (63)
Forewing pale ferruginous yellow with paler yellow spots. Frons and vertex yellowish white
12.0-15.0mm. July. Forewing with pale spots often confluent, forming a fascia at two-fifth. Labial palpus yellowish white, irrorated with ferruginous outwardly.
Forewing unicolorous, sometimes only paler on veins. Frons and vertex ochreous or greyish brown
65 (64)
Forewing unicolorous greyish brown
16.0-19.0mm. Late June to early September. Hindwing greyish brown. Labial palpus greyish brown, darker outwardly.
Forewing unicolorous reddish ochreous, sometimes darker between veins
14.0-17.0mm. Late June to early October. Hindwing of male grey, often ochreous towards apex; hindwing of female whitish, pale ochreous towards apex. Labial palpus pale yellowish brown, outer margin mixed darker. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae ochreous. Form without dark stigmata in forewing. See couplets 68 and 70.
66 (63)
Forewing dark brown with bright yellow longitudinal dorsal streak from base reaching to two-thirds of width of wing, sometimes suffused darker
7.5-11.0mm. June to August. Frons, vertex and thorax yellow.
Forewing without such a longitudinal streak
67 (66)
Forewing with darker fascia in distal half
Dark fascia in distal half forewing often ill-defined and linked with dark fascia at one-third.
Forewing with pale fascia at four-fifth or without pale or dark fasciae
68 (67)
Forewing ochreous irrorated brown; indistinct dark brown angulated fascia at one-third and another, more straight and distinct beyond middle. Smaller species, 9.0-13.5mm
Late May to early September. Forewing with termen concave and apex pointed; dark fasciae sometimes linked; stigmata present, black. Frons and vertex whitish to ochreous. Thorax ochreous.
Forewing reddish ochreous with only a darker, ochreous angulate fascia at two-thirds. Larger species, 14.0-18.0mm
Usually darker fascia in forewing absent (see couplet 65); termen straight or hardly sinuate, apex not pointed. See also couplet 70.
69 (67)
Forewing with termen distinctly concave; apex pointed
11.0-15.0mm. Mid May to early August. Forewing pale greyish ochreous; sometimes with indistinct paler fascia at four-fifth; stigmata black, distinct; second discal stigma often edged with whitish scales. Frons whitish; vertex pale greyish brown. Thorax pale greyish ochreous with dark brown median line.
Forewing with termen straight or hardly sinuate; apex not pointed
Forewing with indistinct stigmata, up to three present; second discal not edged with whitish scales.
70 (69)
Forewing ochreous to reddish ochreous. Labial palpus whitish or ochreous, outer margin mixed with brown scales
Common form with forewing darker between veins. Usually the veins appearing as pale lines; rarely with paler ochreous fascia at four-fifth. See also couplets 65 and 68
Forewing pale greyish brown. Labial palpus pale greyish brown, pale whitish grey above and below
12.0-18.0 mm. late June to early August. Forewing pale greyish brown to brown, not darker between veins, usually with paler angulated fascia at four-fifth. Frons pale brown; vertex and thorax greyish brown.
71 (62)
Labial palpus with third segment distinctly shorter than second
Labial palpus with third segment distinctly longer than second
72 (71)
Forewing with minute or obsolete black stigmata
12.5-15.5mm. Late May to early July. Forewing dark greyish violet; terminal cilia with reddish tinge and some scattered dark scales proximally, grey with indistinct cilia-line distally.
Forewing with conspicuous black stigmata
73 (72)
Forewing with whitish costal spot at three-quarters; three stigmata, black. Smaller species, 12.5-14.5mm
Late June to early August. Forewing blackish brown; first dorsal and plical stigma often touching; a dorsal whitish spot at two-thirds, often obsolete; pale ochreous spots in cilia. Frons blackish brown, distinctly paler centrally; vertex, thorax and tegulae blackish brown.
Forewing without whitish costal spot; four black spots. Larger species, 15.0-18.0mm
Late May to early August. Forewing pale ashy grey; a row of blackish spots along base of terminal cilia. Frons, vertex and thorax concolorous with forewing.
74 (71)
Vertex pure white, labial palpus whitish. Smaller species, 7.5-9.0mm
July (May and June in Central Europe). Forewing violet brown to ochreous, slightly paler basally; fascia white, distinct and straight. Frons white. Flagellum grey.
Vertex and labial palpus from ochreous to blackish violet. Larger species, 9.0-14.0mm
75 (74)
Forewing unicolorous blackish, occasionally with obsolete fascia or obsolete costal and tornal spots
Forewing blackish, either with distinct whitish fascia beyond middle or with distinct whitish or pale ochreous costal and tornal spots (sometimes costal spot only)
76 (75)
Flagellum blackish, narrowly barred whitish to three-quarters
A. vinella (part)
10.5-12.0mm. July (June to September in England). Forewing blackish violet, often with very faint whitish costal and tornal spots. The common unmarked form; see also couplets 82 and 84.
Flagellum blackish, annulated whitish almost completely
Annulation of flagellum sometimes indistinct (occasionally absent) in apical part.
77 (76)
Forewing relatively narrow, appearing broader distally; fascia obsolete or absent
A. cinctella (part)
Form with unicolorous forewing or nearly so (not known from the Netherlands). See couplet 86. For reliable identification dissection is necessary.
Forewing relatively broad, not appearing broader distally; fascia obsolete
Form with almost unicolorous forewing (not known from the Netherlands). See couplet 86. For reliable identification dissection is necessary.
78 (75)
Forewing with whitish or pale ochreous costal spot only
Forewing either with whitish fascia or with pale costal and dorsal spots
79 (78)
Forewing blackish; costal spot pale ochreous (sometimes obsolete); usually with black stigmata and some pale ochreous scales on fold
9.0-12.0mm. Forewing with vein 6 rising out of 7. See also couplet 81.
Forewing blackish; costal spot whitish (sometimes obsolete); pale scales on fold and dark stigmata absent
11.0-14.0mm. Forewing with vein 6 free. See also couplets 77 and 86.
80 (78)
Forewing with whitish or pale ochreous costal and dorsal spots
Forewing with white or whitish fascia
81 (80)
Forewing with costal and dorsal spots pale ochreous; stigmata, if present, often obsolete
9.0-12.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing slaty blackish brown, with scattered greyish scales. Flagellum annulated or barred black and whitish, fading towards apex. See also couplet 79.
Forewing with costal and dorsal spots pure white or whitish; stigmata absent
82 (81)
Flagellum blackish, narrowly barred whitish to three-quarters. Forewing with scattered plumbeous scales along costa and termen
Rare form. See couplets 76 and 84.
Flagellum blackish, annulated whitish to two-thirds. Forewing without plumbeous scales along costa and termen
9.0-11.0mm. July. Forewing slaty blackish brown.Most common form. See also couplet 85.
83 (80)
Forewing underside with distinct whitish fascia
11.0-14.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing black, somewhat paler basally. Hindwing underside with whitish costal spot. Occasionally forewing upper side with fascia obsolete and also fascia on underside indistinct or reduced to spots.
Forewing underside without distinct white or whitish fascia or the latter forming a costal spot only
84 (83)
Forewing with whitish fascia straight or slightly curved outwardly. Flagellum blackish, narrowly barred whitish to three-quarters
A. vinella (part)
Forewing with whitish fascia markedly narrower than in any other species of Syncopacma with white or whitish fascia. Rare form. See couplets 76 and 82.
Forewing with white or whitish fascia straight, sometimes slightly curved inwardly. Flagellum annulated blackish and whitish to between two-thirds and apex
85 (84)
Smaller species, 9.0-11.0mm. Forewing with fascia pure white; vein 6 rising out of 7
Less common form. See couplet 82.
Larger species, 11.0-14.0mm. Forewing with fascia yellowish white; veins 6 an 7 separate
86 (85)
Forewing with fascia straight throughout or slightly inwardly curved near costa
A. cinctella (part)
11.0-14.0mm. July (in Britain). By far the commonest form. This species and the next cannot be distinguished with certainty without dissection. See also couplets 77 and 79.
Forewing with fascia straight throughout
11.0-14.0mm. Late June to early August. This species and S. cinctella cannot be distinguished with certainty without dissection. See also couplet 77.
87 (61)
Antennal scape with small pecten or a few long hair-scales
Antennal scape without long hair-scales
Sometimes only one hair-scale present.
88 (87)
Forewing with blackish dot near base of dorsum
14.0-19.0mm. August to June; the adult hibernates. Forewing ochreous, sprinkled darker; two blackish stigmata (second sometimes absent). Antennal scape with only a few long hair-scales.
Forewing without blackish dot near base of dorsum
18.0-20.0mm. July and August; hibernates as a larva. Forewing ochreous brown suffused darker in apical one-third and along costa; three dark brown stigmata, one plical and two discals, second discal sometimes obsolete. Antennal scape with small pecten.
89 (87)
Terminal segment of labial palpus dark with two paler bands or pale with two (occasionally three or four) darker bands, sometimes only outwardly
Terminal segment of labial palpus with pale bands rarely indistinct, first band occasionally very narrow or very rarely bands reduced to spots.
Terminal segment of labial palpus unicolorous or only with one pale or dark ring
90 (89)
Forewing almost unicolorous blackish brown
Rare dark form. See couplet 92.
Forewing with markings, more or less distinct
91 (90)
Forewing with black longitudinal bar along costa at base
Forewing without black bar along costa at base
Forewing sometimes with furcate blackish mark at base of costa or occasionally a black costal spot at base.
92 (91)
Smaller species, 11.0-15.0mm. Forewing with irregular large black stigmata and dots, sometimes confluent; ground colour variable, varying from white to blackish brown
C. decorella (part)
March to September; hibernates as an adult. Frons and vertex from white through grey to blackish brown. Labial palpus blackish, second segment with pale ring distally. See couplet 90.
Larger species, 15.0-18.0mm. Forewing with fine black elongate stigmata and dots; ground colour pale grey
T. saltuum (part)
Late May to late July. Frons and vertex pale grey with brownish-tipped scales. See couplet 101.
93 (91)
Forewing with conspicuous outwardly oblique fascia at one-fifth formed by three blackish spots of raised scales. Hindwing with cilia at vein 2 distinctly narrower than width of wing half-way
14.0-17.0mm. Early May to early October. Forewing pale ochreous brown to dark brown, more or less irrorated blackish and whitish; plical stigma enlarged to streak, both discals present, second forming transverse bar or pair of dots, all blackish.
Forewing without such fascia. Hindwing with cilia at vein 2 about of equal length as width of wing half-way
Forewing sometimes with small tufts of scales, but these tufts do not form a fascia at one-fifth.
94 (93)
Forewing clear white or creamy white with blackish markings
Forewing predominantly greyish, brownish or blackish
95 (94)
Forewing clear white; black transverse fascia at one-fifth
10.0-16.0mm. Late April to early August. Forewing with conspicuous blackish spots. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae white, thorax with two blackish spots posteriorly. Labial palpus white with segment two with dark spots; segment three with two blackish bands.
Forewing white or creamy white, without black transverse fascia at one-fifth
12.0-16.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing somewhat irrorate grey; variably expressed black markings, usually small and inconspicuous. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae white. Labial palpus with second segment unmarked and clear white, third segment greyish white with two dark bands.
96 (94)
Forewing with whitish, yellowish or orange costal or subcostal marking just before middle; ground colour blackish
Forewing without such marking; ground colour not blackish
97 (96)
Forewing with semicircular whitish, yellowish or orange costal blotch
9.5-13.0mm. Late April to mid July. Forewing dark grey mixed black; prominent whitish costal spot at three-quarters. Frons and vertex greyish or whitish mixed blackish brown.
Forewing with an orange marking not reaching costa
11.0-13.0mm. Late May to early July. Forewing dark brown; pale costal marking at three-quarters indistinct. Frons and vertex greyish white mixed blackish brown.
98 (96)
Forewing with distinct narrow yellowish subcostal longitudinal streak
10.0-15.0mm. June and July (in Britain). Forewing greyish white with blackish brown suffusion, particularly along dorsum and in middle of wing. Frons, vertex and thorax white.
Forewing without such a streak
99 (98)
Forewing with transverse bar of raised blackish scales at three-quarters
10.5-14.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing brownish grey; three stigmata, second discal confluent with transverse bar, and some spots and dots (more or less distinct), all blackish. Frons grey; vertex dark grey.
Forewing without transverse bar of raised blackish scales at three-quarters
100 (99)
Forewing predominantly pale grey
Sometimes forewing with greyish (often somewhat brownish) scales.
Forewing predominantly ochreous, yellowish grey to brownish grey and blackish
101 (100)
Forewing rather uniform greyish, stigmata distinctly elongated
T. saltuum (part)
15.0-18.0mm. Late May to late July. Forewing with two transversely placed black spots at two-fifth, the upper one usually completely fused with a black spot immediately basad; black costal mark at base usually not furcate. Frons and vertex pale grey. Flagellum ciliated in male. see couplet 92.
Forewing greyish white or whitish, clouded and irrorated greyish; stigmata not distinctly elongated
14.0-17.0mm. Early May to early September. Forewing with two transversely placed black spots at two-fifth, the upper one usually separated from another black spot, immediately basad or, if both spots are fused, still recognizable as two spots; black costal mark at base furcate (with two long, narrow points distally). Frons and vertex whitish. Flagellum not ciliated.
102 (100)
Forewing with blackish streak along fold (sometimes interrupted) or with black spot at dorsum near base
Forewing with the two dark spots at three-fifth often indistinct.
Forewing without blackish streak along fold or blackish spot at dorsum near base
103 (102)
Forewing with blackish streak along fold, sometimes interrupted (sometimes not discernible in dark specimens); spot at dorsum near base absent or indistinct. Frons and vertex whitish grey, somewhat mottled (also pale in dark specimens)
11.0-15.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing greyish, sometimes ranging to blackish; markings blackish, becoming less distinct in dark forms.
Forewing without blackish streak along fold; conspicuous black spot at dorsum near base. Frons and vertex greyish brown
11.0-15.0mm. June. Forewing greyish brown, sometimes ranging to blackish; markings blackish, clusters of ochreous scales, dark markings less distinct in dark forms.
104 (102)
Forewing with three transverse rows of two to four dots of raised blackish scales
Forewing with black dots not set out in three transverse rows
105 (104)
Flagellum distinctly annulated blackish and whitish
11.0-15.0mm. Late April to early July. Ground colour forewing very variable: nearly all nuances from yellowish brown and ochreous to greyish brown and grey; second transverse row of blackish dots with two or three dots; sometimes with dark costal blotch at base. Third segment of labial palpus pale ochreous with two blackish brown bands. Specimens with pale greyish brown forewing are very similar to T. wagae and specimens with darker greyish brown forewing can only be separated from T. aenigma by means of their antennae or examination of the genitalia. Frons and vertex concolorous with forewing.
Flagellum weakly annulated
106 (105)
Forewing with second transverse row of blackish dots with four dots: one (sometimes less distinct) on costa, two in disc and one on fold
12.0-15.0mm. May and June. Forewing fairly constant: pale greyish brown with scattered white-tipped scales; dark basal costal blotch absent; third row of blackish dots with the uppermost slightly cloaser to base. Third segment of labial palpus grey with three blackish brown bands, third not quite reaching apex. Flagellum occasionally with rather distinct annulation. Frons and vertex greyish brown, mottled.
Forewing with second transverse row of blackish dots at most with three dots (at least one of the discals absent)
10.0-13.0mm. May to August (abroad). Forewing fairly constant: brownish grey, sometimes with scattered dark scales; dark basal costal blotch present; third row of blackish dots with the lowermost slighly closer to base. Frons and vertex pale greyish brown.
107 (104)
Forewing usually pure grey, sometimes brownish grey with some black tufts of erect scales. Hindwing with veins 6 and 7 remote
12.0-15.0mm. Late May to late August. Forewing with ill-defined broad dark fasciae at one-third and two-thirds. Frons whitish; vertex whitish grey or grey.
Forewing from greyish brown to dark greyish; black spots streak-like, without erect scales. Hindwing with veins 6 and 7 connate or stalked
9.0-16.0mm. May and June. Forewing without dark fasciae. Frons and vertex whitish, more or less grey-sprinkled.
108 (89)
Hindwing at least one-quarter wider than forewing; cilia at vein 2 shorter than width of wing at vein three
Hindwing of equal width as forewing or slightly narrower; length cilia at vein 2 at least equal to width of wing at vein 3
109 (108)
Vertex creamy white
Vertex from ochreous to blackish
110 (109)
Flagellum annulated whitish and blackish
12.0-16.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing creamy white, variably suffused with black and brownish scales; plical spot elongated, two discal stigmata, all black. Frons and vertex creamy white. Thorax and tegulae greyish brown, mottled with creamy white.
Flagellum unicolorous blackish brown
14.0-19.0mm. Late July to early September. Forewing with blackish and white areas, the distribution of both variable, giving some specimens a whitish and others a blackish appearance. Frons and vertex creamy white. Thorax blackish brown, mottled with yellowish; tegulae blackish brown.
111 (109)
Labial palpus with second segment with erect scales beneath, at least in basal part
Labial palpus smoothly scaled beneath
112 (111)
Forewing with uninterrupted conspicuous black streak along basal part of costa
Forewing without distinct black streak along basal part of costa
Forewing sometimes with dark spot or indistinct dark mark at base.
113 (112)
Labial palpus blackish violet outwardly. Forewing with discal stigmata large, black, distinct
12.0-16.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing pale ochreous to greyish brown with scattered blackish scales; second stigma usually forming a hook-shaped mark. Frons and vertex ochreous grey.
Labial palpus brownish outwardly. Forewing with stigmata small, blackish, often indistinct
15.0-18.0mm. Late July to mid September. Forewing pale ochreous grey, brownish sprinkled. Frons and vertex ochreous grey.
114 (112)
Forewing with first discal stigma wholly white-ringed
Forewing with first discal stigma not white-ringed
115 (114)
Abdomen dark brown with first three segments dorsally ochreous yellow, sometimes indistinct. Forewing with usually ill-defined dark costal marks at base, one-third and two-thirds. Labial palpus with third segment dark grey with white scales
12.0-18.0mm. June and July. Forewing with greyish appearance; first discal stigma narrowly ringed with white. Frons white beneath, rest frons and vertex blackish brown with paler scales.
Abdomen unicolorous dark brown dorsally. Forewing without dark costal marks. Labial palpus with third segment dark brown with pale apex
13.0-16.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing with brown appearance; first discal stigma broadly ringed white and connected to second discal by black streak. Frons pale brown in middle, laterally blackish; vertex and tegulae greyish brown. Thorax dark brown.
116 (114)
Head with frons whitish or creamy, sometimes mottled darker
Head with frons brownish or greyish
117 (116)
Abdomen blackish brown with first three segments ochreous yellow dorsally
G. nigra (part)
13.0-20.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing blackish, irrorated whitish and black, black stigmata, streaks and costal spots indistinct; worn specimens with pale areas and more distinct dark markings. Vertex mixed greyish and black. See couplet 122.
Abdomen with first three segments concolorous with dark colour of the other segments
118 (117)
Labial palpus with second segment provided with brush of brownish scales
14.0-19.0mm. Late April to early September. Colour of forewing varying from pale brown to blackish; costal and tornal spots pure white; veins usually darker. In male underside abdomen tipped yellowish. Vertex ochreous to blackish brown. See couplet 123.
Labial palpus with second segment provided with brush of black scales
119 (118)
Larger species, 17.0-19.0mm. Forewing brownish with blackish brown apical area
Gelechia rhombelliformis
Forewing mottled with dark and pale scales; two conspicuous black streaks and a smaller one in middle of wing; blackish spots at base and at four-fifth of costa; indistinct pale fascia at four-fifth. Vertex, thorax and tegulae pale brown mottled with dark brown. See couplet 52.
Smaller species, 11.0-15.0mm. Forewing with apical area concolorous with dark brown colour of rest of wing
June and July. Forewing mottled with black scales; two black, often confluent spots at two-fifth, one larger at three-fifth; small black spot at base of costa, often indistinct; indistinct pale fascia at four-fifth. Vertex greyish white. Thorax pale grey mottled with darker scales.
120 (116)
Forewing almost unicolorous brownish grey, i.e. without paler transverse fascia or costal and tornal spots
17.0-22.0mm. May and June. Forewing with black stigmata, sometimes indistinct. Frons, vertex, thorax and tegulae grey mottled with brown.
Forewing from pale brown to blackish (not greyish), usually with paler transverse fascia or paler costal and tornal spots
121 (120)
Abdomen dark brown or blackish brown with first three segments ochreous yellow dorsally. Forewing with pale fascia at four-fifth
Abdomen with first three segments concolorous with dark colour of the other segments. Forewing with pale costal and tornal spots, sometimes indistinct or obsolete
122 (121)
Forewing blackish irrorated whitish and black; pale fascia at four-fifth narrow and angulate
See couplet 117.
Forewing dark brown irrorated ochreous brown; pale fascia at four-fifth broad and less angulate
16.0-22.0mm. July and early August. Forewing dark brown with many scattered ochreous scales; discal stigmata elongate with black dash between them. Frons dark brown; vertex pale brown. Thorax mixed brown and ochreous.
123 (121)
Forewing with costal and tornal spots pure white, occasionally indistinct or obsolete; veins often darker
See couplet 118.
Forewing with costal and tornal spots ochreous, occasionally indistinct; veins not darker
124 (123)
Fore- and midlegs dark brown with tarsi usually distinctly edged paler distally. Forewing with pale scales around the black spots pure white
12.0-19.0mm. Late June to early September. Forewing brown, variably mixed blackish; cilia brownish grey with one ciliary line of dark-tipped scales. Male slightly larger than female, 12.0-19.0mm. versus 12.0-15.0mm. Frons brown; vertex dark brown. Thorax and tegulae blackish brown. Males can be recognized without dissection by cleaning away the scales at the tip of the uncus; males of C. fumatella have a short, but prominent apical thorn, absent in males of C. distinctella.
Fore- and midlegs unicolorous dark brown. Forewing with pale scales around the black spots pale greyish and less distinct
14.0-19.0mm. Mid June to late August. Forewing brown mottled with darker scales; ground colour and markings variable; cilia pale brownish grey with one or two ill-defined ciliary lines. Frons pale ochreous brown; vertex, thorax and tegulae brownish. For genitalic difference of male with male of C. fumatella (inspection without dissection) see above.
125 (111)
Forewing with pale transverse fascia at four-fifth or with pale costal and tornal spots, occasionally indistinct or small
Occasionally forewing only with pale costal spot in apical third.
Forewing without pale transverse fascia at four-fifth or pale costal and tornal spots
126 (125)
Vertex and forewing yellowish grey. Labial palpus with third segment distinctly shorter than second
15,0-17,5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing irrorate with many yellowish or orange-yellow scales and some brownish black scales; stigmata black; an indistinct pale yellowish angulated fascia at four-fifth. Frons grey. Thorax dark ochreous grey. See couplet 140.
Vertex and forewing varying from brown to blackish brown. Labial palpus with third segment of same length as second or slightly shorter or longer
127 (126)
Antenna three-quarters to seven-eights length of costa forewing
The tip of the male abdomen may show without dissection the typical uncus of Prolita: broad and with bristles of elongated scales.
Antenna about two-thirds length of costa forewing
In male uncus otherwise.
128 (127)
Forewing with four irregularly shaped pale grey transverse fasciae, rarely indistinct, that at four-fifth from costa angled outwards towards termen near apex. Abdomen dark brown with distal part of each segment whitish
13.0-19.0mm. Late May and June. Forewing blackish brown mottled with brownish, somewhat reddish; worn specimens become more blackish and can be mistaken for P. solutella; occasionally transverse fascia absent. Frons brown with whitish scales at base; vertex shining dark brown.
Forewing with single greyish transverse fascia at four-fifth, near costa angled inwards, usually indistinct and sometimes interrupted. Abdomen unicolorous dark brown
P. solutella (part)
15.0-21.0mm. Late April to early August. Forewing varying from pale greyish brown to blackish, more or less sprinkled greyish white; also markings variable; occasionally with more than one, usually incomplete pale fasciae. Frons dark brown sprinkled whitish; vertex dark brown. See couplet 135.
129 (127)
Forewing with stigmata (two discals and one plical) almost completely ochreous edged; one or more pinkish spots on costa from two-thirds to apex
12.0-17.0mm. From July to August in Britain. Forewing dark brown tinged purplish; sometimes tornal spot absent; first discal stigma rather beyond plical.
Forewing with stigmata (two discals and one plical) more or less edged with whitish scales, especially at distal end; costal and tornal spots white
130 (129)
Forewing blackish brown, not sprinkled with pale scales; from the two black stigmata at two-fifth the lower one usually basal of the upper spot
13.0-17.0mm. Late June to early August. In specimens with very dark forewings the two dark stigmata at two-fifth indistinct; whitish costal and tornal spots, sometimes fused to form a fascia. Frons pale ochreous at base, greyish brown above; vertex blackish.
Forewing greyish brown, sprinkled with pale scales; the two black spots at two-fifth vertically one above the other
12.0-15.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing with the two dark stigmata at two-fifth always distinct; whitish costal and tornal spots, sometimes fused to form a fascia. Frons dull whitish, darker above; vertex mixed whitish and blackish brown.
131 (125)
Forewing with more or less distinct dark median longitudinal stripe from basal area to apex or apical area sometimes interrupted
Forewing occasionally with two dark longitudinal stripes.
Forewing without dark longitudinal stripe from basal area to apex or apical area
132 (131)
Thorax creamy
13.0-16.0mm. May to early July. Forewing straw-coloured, tinged pinky, especially in fresh specimens; median stripe contrasting and distinct; dark stigmata absent. Frons, vertex and thorax creamy white.
Thorax pale brown to brown
M. mulinella (part)
11.0-14.5mm. Late June to early September. Forewing varying from straw-coloured to brown, not tinged pinky; two parallel longitudinal dark stripes, one or more basally, the other more distally, usually fused in central part of wing; dark stigmata more or less distinct, occasionally absent. Frons and vertex from creamy white to pale brown. Thorax brown. See couplet 135.
133 (131)
Labial palpus with third segment whitish, often with ill-defined blackish ring near base
16.5-19.0mm. Mid May to early August. Forewing dark purplish brown; blackish stigmata indistinct, with a few whitish scales. Frons, vertex and thorax dark purplish brown.
Labial palpus with third segment brown, dark brown or dark grey, often sprinkled whitish, without blackish ring near base
134 (133)
Forewing with blackish stigmata partly margined pale greyish
13.0-17.0mm. Late April to mid August. Forewing varying from pale greyish brown to blackish brown, sometimes white-sprinkled; stigmata blackish, often elongate; usually distinct black terminal dots. Frons greyish brown; vertex, thorax and tegulae dark greyish brown.
Forewing with stigmata not pale margined
135 (134)
Larger species, 15.0-21.0mm. Antenna three-quarters to seven-eights length of costa forewing
Form with rather unicolorous forewing. See couplet 128.
Smaller species, 11.0-14.5mm. Antenna two-thirds to three-quarters length of costa forewing
Form with forewing without dark longitudinal stripe.
136 (108)
Antenna with scape provided with a single, strong, erect hair
The hair may be lost in worn specimens. Species of the genus Bryotropha.
Antenna with scape without a hair
137 (136)
Forewing with both stigmata at two-fifth large, distinct and vertically one above the other, often fused
Forewing with the lower stigma of both stigmata at two-fifth basad of the upper stigma, sometimes these stigmata indistinct or absent
138 (137)
Smaller species, 10.0-12.0mm. Thorax dark greyish brown
Mid June to mid August. Forewing pale to dark greyish brown; stigmata blackish brown, distinct. Frons and cheeks pale greyish yellow; vertex brownish grey.
Larger species, 12.0-13.0mm. Thorax yellow to ochreous grey
June to August. Forewing varying from pale ochreous to greyish ochreous; dark stigmata more prominent than in B. basaltinella because of paler ground colour. Frons yellowish; vertex and thorax yellow to ochreous, often speckled with ochreous grey.
139 (137)
Larger species, 14.0-17.5mm
Smaller species, 9.0-14.0mm
140 (139)
Labial palpus with terminal segment shorter than second
15.0-17.5mm. See couplet 126.
Labial palpus with terminal segment longer than second
141 (140)
Forewing relatively broad, length costa less than 4.5 times longer than greatest width of wing; ground colour with faint coppery brown gloss; even traces of dark median longitudinal streak absent
14.0-17.0mm. Late May to late August. Forewing usually dark brown or dark greyish brown, occasionally paler or ferruginous; stigmata blackish brown, sometimes indistinct. Frons, vertex and thorax concolorous with forewing. Abdomen of female can be inspected without dissection by brushing away some scales from the terminal abdominal segment: the posterior margin of segment 8 is not excavate ventrally.
Forewing relatively narrow, length costa more than 4.5 times longer than greatest width of wing; ground colour without coppery brown gloss; forewing often at least with an indication of a median longitudinal streak
11.0-15.0mm. Early May to early September. Forewing with ground colour more variable than in B. terrella, from ochreous to dark brown or dark greyish brown; stigmata blackish, sometimes indistinct. Frons, vertex and thorax concolorous with forewing. Female with abdominal segment 8 deeply excavate ventrally (see preceding species). See couplet 145.
142 (139)
Forewing with ground colour whitish or pale grey, almost without brownish or ochreous tinge
Forewing with whitish costal and tornal spots indistinct or absent because of pale ground colour. These pale forms occur in the sand dunes along the North Sea coast. (f. mundella Douglas or f. portlandica Richardson). See couplets 147, 150 and 192.
Forewing with ground colour from ochreous yellow to blackish
143 (192)
Forewing with ground colour from ochreous yellow to brown
Forewing with ground colour from dark brown to blackish
144 (143)
Forewing with ground colour from ochreous yellow to very pale brown
B. affinis (part)
9.0-12.5mm. Mid May to mid August. Forewing with distinct stigmata. Cilia forewing with one dark ciliary line, occasionally indistinct. This pale form occurs in the sand dunes along the North Sea coast. see couplets 147 and 148.
Forewing with ground colour from ochreous to dark brown
145 (144)
Vertex with greyish brown median band, contrasting with the ochreous yellow or yellow cheeks and frons
9.0-12.5mm. Late June to early September. Forewing pale ochreous, variably mixed blackish brown; stigmata blackish, sometimes obscure; an indistinct angulated pale fascia at three-quarters; cilia forewing with only one dark ciliary line, occasionally indistinct. Thorax brownish. For dark form see couplet 149.
Vertex (cheeks included) concolorous with ground colour forewing, frons paler
11.0-15.0mm. Early May to early September. Cilia forewing with at least two more or less distinct ciliary lines. Exceptionally very small specimens of B. terrella key out here; for differences between B. desertella and B. terrella see couplet 141.
146 (143)
Forewing with patch of conspicuous white or yellowish scales beyond plical stigma.
Forewing without patch of white or yellowish scales beyond plical stigma
B. similis sometimes with a few pale scales beyond plical stigma (see couplet 150).
147 (146)
Forewing with patch of pale scales beyond plical stigma pure white
9.5-11.5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing with ground colour brownish black without pale irroration; costal and tornal spots white, occasionally fused to form a fascia. Frons yellowish to ochreous; vertex and thorax concolorous with ground colour forewing. See couplets 142, 150 and 192.
Forewing with patch of pale scales beyond plical stigma yellowish
B. affinis(part)
9.0-12.5mm. Mid May to mid August. Forewing with ground colour greyish brown (not blackish) with pale irroration, produced by the yellowish bases of dark scales; costal and tornal spots pale ochreous to ochreous, rarely whitish, often fused to form an irregular fascia, occasionally absent. frons pale ochreous, vertex and thorax concolorous with ground colour forewing, see couplets 144 and 148.
148 (146)
Forewing greyish brown with pale irroration
B. affinis(part)
9.0-12.5mm. See couplets 144 and 147.
Forewing varying from greyish brown through dark brown to blackish brown without pale irroration
149 (148)
Head with vertex greyish brown, sharply contrasting with the ochreous yellow or yellow cheeks
Forewing almost wholly dark brown; stigmata, costal and tornal spots indistinct. Dark form of B. senectella. See also couplet 145.
Head with vertex unicolorous with cheeks or almost so
In B. similis sometimes head with cheeks slightly paler than vertex.
150 (149)
Forewing with ground colour blackish brown, not glossy; costal and tornal spots white, distinct, occasionally fused to form a fascia
9.5-11.5mm. Form without patch of white scales beyond plical stigma. See couplets 142 and 147.
Forewing with ground colour greyish brown to blackish brown, glossy; costal and tornal spots variable, usually whitish, indistinct or absent, but occasionally yellowish and distinct or fused to form a fascia
10.5-13.5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing with stigmata blackish brown, often indistinct because of dark ground colour. Frons from whitish to creamy yellow; central band of vertex and thorax dark greyish brown; cheeks as frons or as vertex.
151 (136)
Larger species, 16.0-20.0mm. Forewing with scales of black stigmata raised, especially in female
Late April to early June. Forewing almost unicolorous coal-black. Labial palpus blackish, third segment sometimes with greyish band and tip. Frons, vertex and thorax blackish.
Smaller species, 7.5-15.5mm (Scrobipalpa samadensis often larger, 13.5-17.5mm, see couplet 171). Forewing without raised scales
152 (151)
Forewing with width about one-third of length costa; termen less than one-half of length costa; white or whitish markings usually present and in basal half with dark costal blotch reaching to fold. Labial palpus with third segment not ringed, but may have a white tip
Forewing with width about one-quarter of length costa; termen one-half of length costa or more; without white or whitish markings (exception: Gnorimoschema streliciella with greyish white fascia at one-fifth and another at three-quarters, see couplet 166); without dark costal blotch reaching fold (Scrobipalpa costella with dark triangular costal blotch reaching fold, but extending to apical half of costa, see couplet 164). Labial palpus with third segment often pale or dark ringed, or pale- or dark-tipped
153 (152)
Thorax pure white, distinctly paler than pale colours of forewing (except the subterminal white fascia)
10.0-14.0mm. July and August. Forewing brownish grey with three rather indistinct white transverse fasciae. Frons, vertex, thorax, and usually also labial palpus white.
Thorax not pure white, concolorous with dark or pale colour of forewing
154 (153)
Labial palpus with terminal segment three-fifth of second
C. marmorea (part)
9.0-12.5mm. Mid June to early September. Forewing variably coloured and marked, usually dorsal area pale greyish to brownish, towards costa darker, ferruginous to blackish brown. Frons greyish; vertex from pale greyish to dark brown. Thorax concolorous with dorsal margin, tinged blackish brown anteriorly. See couplet 157.
Labial palpus with terminal segment as long as second or nearly so
155 (154)
Forewing in basal half without dark costal bar or patch
Forewing in basal half with dark costal bar or patch, usually extending to fold
156 (155)
Thorax from almost white to greyish. Larger species, 12.0-15.0mm
July and August. Forewing with ground colour concolorous with thorax; narrow white fascia at four-fifth; stigmata and costal spot at one-fifth blackish; blackish streak from second discal stigma to tornus. Frons white; vertex white with some darker scales.
Thorax from ochreous grey to brownish black. Smaller species, 9.0-13.0mm
157 (156)
Forewing with blackish second discal stigma connected with blackish tornal spot
9.0-13.0mm. Late June to August (in Britain). Forewing reddish brown with scattered white and dark scales, base, costa, dorsum and apical region blackish brown; dark patch in basal half of costa lost in dark colour of costa. Frons whitish to ochreous grey; vertex and thorax ochreous, mottled darker.
Forewing without blackish connection between second discal stigma and tornus
C. marmorea (part)
See couplet 154.
158 (156)
Forewing in basal half with interrupted dark costal bar or with ill-defined dark costal blotch.
In dark specimens sometimes indistinct or not recognizable
Forewing in basal half with uninterrupted dark costal bar or with at least distally distinctly edged dark costal patch
159 (158)
Forewing in basal half with interrupted dark costal bar. Generally larger species, 12.0-15.0mm
See couplet 156.
Forewing in basal half with ill-defined dark costal patch. Generally smaller species, 9.0-13.0mm
See couplet 157.
160 (158)
Forewing with wide black costal blotch, extending along large part of costa, indistinctly edged distally; dorsal and basal areas bright ferruginous yellowish
10.0-14.5mm. Late June to August. Forewing dark brown with white fascia at one-fourth, white costal and tornal spots separate. Frons whitish or pale grey; vertex dark brown.
Forewing in basal half with dark costal bar, usually with distinct edges
161 (160)
Vertex whitish to pale greyish brown, occasionally mottled with brownish grey
Species with the palest coloured forewing of the genus Caryocolum.
Vertex dark greyish brown
162 (161)
Forewing with dark spots around termen distinct; dark costal bar in basal part with outer edge at angle of 30-45 degrees to costa
9.5-14.5mm. July and August. Forewing greyish with paler and darker markings; white costal and tornal spots at four-fifth, usually joined to form a fascia. Frons white; vertex white, often mottled darker.
Forewing with dark spots around termen indistinct; dark costal bar in basal part with outer edge at angle of 45 -60 degrees to costa
8.5-11.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing greyish with paler and darker markings, with white fascia at four-fifth. Frons white; vertex creamy.
163 (161)
Forewing with proximal edge of dark costal patch in basal half at angle of 45 degrees to costa
7.5-11.0mm. Late June to early August. Forewing brown, speckled with white; black markings indistinct; white costal and tornal spots at four-fifth distinct, occasionally connected. Frons shining pale ochreous grey; vertex blackish brown. Thorax dark brown, posteriorly brownish orange.
Forewing with proximal edge of dark costal patch in basal half at angle of 60 to 80 degrees to costa
10.0-11.5mm. Late June to August (in Britain). Forewing with dark markings distinct; white or whitish costal and tornal spots indistinct, usually connected. Frons shining pale ochreous grey; vertex dark greyish brown. Thorax greyish, mottled with darker scales.
164 (152)
Forewing with oblique dark or white fascia in basal half, extending from costa to fold
Forewing without such a dark or pale fascia
165 (164)
Forewing with blackish fascia or blotch at one-fifth, immediately preceded by a greyish white fascia, both extending from costa to fold; complete greyish white fascia at three-quarters; stigmata black
11.0-14.5mm. June and July. Forewing dark blackish brown. Frons whitish mixed greyish; vertex mixed whitish and blackish brown.
Forewing with greyish brown fascia at one-quarter, not preceded by whitish fascia, extending from costa to fold; pale fascia at three-quarters absent; stigmata brownish
11.0-16.0mm. June to August. Forewing brownish grey. Frons whitish; vertex brownish grey.
166 (164)
Forewing with large dark subtriangular costal blotch reaching to fold and extending along costa from one-fifth to three-fourth
9.5-15.5mm. Mid May to mid November. Forewing with ground colour from ochreous brown to reddish brown; dark costal blotch even in darker specimens visible. Frons brown, sometimes paler; vertex brown.
Forewing without large dark costal blotch
167 (166)
Forewing almost uniform brownish; stigmata as well as pale fascia at three-fourth absent or indistinct; cilia yellowish brown, contrasting with wing colour
10.0-14.5mm. Late April to early August. Forewing occasionally with reddish ochreous colouring, especially at base and between veins. Frons and vertex ochreous grey to dark brown.
Forewing usually with distinct dark stigmata and often with pale fascia in distal third; coloration variegated; cilia concolorous at least with distal area of wing
168 (167)
Forewing with dorsal area paler than general wing coloration
Forewing with dorsal area not paler than general wing coloration
169 (168)
Forewing with pale fascia at about three-quarters, sometimes indistinct
Forewing without pale fascia at about three-quarters
170 (169)
Forewing with blackish grey, less frequent with brownish appearance, dorsal area paler; stigmata without pale rings
Rare form with dorsal area of forewing paler. See couplet 177.
Forewing with ochreous grey appearance, dorsal area pale ochreous yellow; generally pale rings around stigmata
11.0-15.0mm. Bivoltine., May to October (in Britain). Forewing with distinct and contrasting stigmata.
171 (169)
Larger species, 13.0-17.5mm. Frons ochreous white
Late June to early August. Forewing greyish brown with ferruginous longitudinal streaks. Vertex ochreous white. Thorax ochreous grey. See couplets 174 and 185.
Smaller species, 10.0-12.5mm. Frons from greyish to blackish greyish brown
Late May to early August. Forewing with ferruginous longitudinal streaks sometimes irrorate whitish; often black streak on fold distal to plical stigma. See couplets 173 and 177.
172 (168)
Forewing with stigmata elongate and more or less fused to dark longitudinal streaks of variable length, occasionally running from base of wing to apical area
Forewing with stigmata not elongate or elongate, but never fused to dark interrupted longitudinal streaks
173 (172)
Frons from greyish to blackish brown
Forewing with stigmata elongate ; plical stigma very elongate, forming an interrupted plical streak. See couplets 171 and 177.
Frons whitish or ochreous white, sometimes greyish ochreous or yellowish
174 (173)
Forewing with broad ferruginous streak parallel to costa from base, sometimes running to apical area
Forewing with stigmata elongate, sometimes forming interrupted plical and discal longitudinal streaks. See couplets 171 and 185.
Forewing without such ferruginous streak
175 (174)
Thorax pale greyish brown with three dark brown parallel longitudinal lines
12.0-18.0 mm. June to October (indoors). Forewing varying from greyish ochreous to blackish brown; plical stigma forming an elongate interrupted streak. Hindwing of male with brush of pale scales on costa. Frons and vertex pale greyish ochreous, ofte mottled darker, Flageluum unicolorous brown or indistinctly ringed darker. See couplet 87.
Thorax without darker longitudinal lines
Forewing with stigmata appearing as interrupted longitudinal streaks, sometimes confluent, forming irregular longitudinal mark. Frons bright whitish, somewhat shining, occasionally yellowish; vertex whitish, irrorate ochreous and dark greyish brown. Flagellum blackish brown, narrowly ringed ochreous. See couplets 183 and 191.
176 (172)
Vertex predominantly blackish brown
Vertex pale ochreous, greyish ochreous or whitish, often irrorate greyish brown
177 (176)
Forewing with pale fascia at three-quarters, sometimes indistinct
11.5-15.5mm. Mid May to early September. Forewing with blackish grey, less frequently with brownish appearance; whitish sprinkling and a maze of markings, streaks, stigmata (sometimes indistinct or absent) and additional dark spots or streaks, often obscured by dark suffusion; ferruginous longitudinal streaks absent. Frons yellowish grey; vertex dark brownish grey. See couplet 170.
Forewing without pale fascia at three-quarters
See couplets 171 and 173.
178 (176)
Smaller specimens, 8.5-11.5mm
Larger specimens, 11.5-15.5 mm
179 (178)
Forewing relatively broad, length of costa almost 4.5 times larger than greatest width of wing. Abdomen unicolorous above
8.5-11.5mm. April and July (in Central Europe). Forewing varying from pale greyish brown to dark brown, often with longitudinal ferruginous streaks; stigmata absent or reduced. Frons and vertex brown.
Forewing relatively narrow, length costa more than 4.8 times longer than greatest width of wing. Abdomen above with first three segments ochreous yellow
9.0-14.5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing varying from pale brownish grey to dark brown, heavily irrorate dark greyish brown and brownish orange; often with longitudinal ferruginous streaks; stigmata distinct. Frons ochreous grey; vertex pale ochreous heavily irrorate dark brown. Smaller specimens of this species. See couplet 189.
180 (178)
Forewing without stigmata
Forewing with stigmata, sometimes indistinct or divided
181 (180)
Forewing with longitudinal ferruginous streaks
Frons pale ochreous; vertex ochreous grey, irrorate darker. See couplets 183, 187 and 191.
Forewing without longitudinal ferruginous streaks
182 (181)
Forewing rather unicolorous pale ochreous grey
Frons and vertex greyish brown. See couplet 189.
Forewing not uniformly coloured, but irrorate darker or paler or marbled paler
183 (182)
Frons bright whitish
Forwing with second discal stigma small, less than one-sixth width wing. See couplets 175 and 191.
Frons pale ochreous
Forwing with second discal stigma large, one-fourth width wing. See couplets 181, 187 and 191.
184 (180)
Forewing with ferruginous streaks
Forewing without ferruginous streaks
Forewing occasionally with ferruginous scaling between discal stigmata.
185 (184)
Forewing with broad ferruginous streak parallel to costa from base to apical area
Forewing with additional shorter ferruginous streaks along the veins, but occasionally the whole wing may be suffused ferruginous. See couplets 171 and 174.
Forewing without long ferruginous streak parallel to costa.
Forewing occasionally with ferruginous scaling between discal stigmata, stigmata ringed with ferruginous or completely ferruginous.
186 (184)
Flagellum not ringed
Flagellum ringed, sometimes indistinctly
187 (186)
Forewing with stigmata blackish, more or less distinct, not mixed ferruginous
See couplet 175.
Forewing with stigmata large, either black mixed variably with ferruginous, or without black scales, appearing as ferruginous blotches
See couplets 181, 183 and 196.
188 (186)
Frons ochreous grey
Frons varying from whitish to yellowish and pale ochreous
189 (188)
Forewing appearing pale; ground colour rather uniformly pale ochreous grey, sometimes more light greyish, not irrorate dark greyish brown; stigmata not clearly edged
12.0-15.0mm. Late April to early September. Forewing with second discal stigma sometimes divided into two. Vertex ochreous, irrorate grey. Abdomen above with first three segments ochreous yellow. See couplet 182.
Forewing appearing dark; ground colour varying from pale brownish grey to dark brown, heavily irrorate dark greyish brown; stigmata well marked
9.0-14.5mm. Late May to early August. Forewing particularly with second discal stigma sometimes divided into two. Vertex pale ochreous irrorate dark brown. Abdomen above with first three segments ochreous yellow. See couplet 179.
190 (188)
Labial palpus with third segment ochreous white, often mixed blackish brown and with blackish basal mark and subapical ring
12.0-14.0mm. In Britain June to September. Forewing rather uniform pale grey, only slightly yellowish brown; discal stigmata rather distinct, dark greyish brown, plical stigma indistinct or absent. Frons yellowish; vertex ochreous to dark brown. Abdomen dark greyish brown above, mixed reddish towards base.
Labial palpus with third segment unicolorous dark brown or with obscure ochreous median band
Frons bright whitish or pale ochreous.
191 (190)
Frons bright whitish, somewhat shining, occasionally yellowish. Forewing with second discal stigma small, less than one-sixth width wing
11.0-15.5mm. Early June to late August. Forewing variable, brown or greyish brown irrorate darker and paler, producing mottled appearance; stigmata often black, sometimes ringed with ferruginous or completely ferruginous. Vertex whitish, irrorate ochreous and dark greyish brown. Abdomen dark greyish brown above, with first two segments ochreous yellow. See couplets 175 and 183.
Frons pale ochreous. Forewing with second discal stigma large, one-fourth width forewing
12.0-14.5mm. Early June to early September. Forewing pale greyish ochreous to dark brown, marbled paler; stigmata either black variably mixed with ferruginous or without black scales, appearing as ferruginous blotches. Vertex ochreous grey, irrorate darker. Abdomen usually unicolorous dark above with first three segments sometimes ochreous. See couplets 181, 183 and 187.
192 (142)
Forewing blackish brown or brown, more or less densely mixed with whitish or pale grey scales
This is a form occuring in the sand dunes aling the North Sea coast. See couplets 142, 147 and 150.
Forewing blackish brown or brown, not mixed with whitish or pale grey scales
Forewing often with pale costal and tornal spots and patch of pale scales beyond plical stigma.
193 (3)
Labial palpus with length terminal segment almost of equal length as second. Usually larger species, 16.0-30.0mm
July and August (in Hungary). Forewing reddish grey with veins marked paler in distal half; first and second discal stigma blackish, plical less distinct. Hindwing whitish.
Labial palpus with length terminal segment from half to two-thirds second. Usually smaller species, 13.0-20.0mm

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