
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Forewing predominantly pale ochreous, brownish or brownish grey, without orangeous brown areas or orangeous fascia beyond middle
Forewing with ground colour orangeous brown or shining blackish brown with orangeous fascia beyond middle
2 (1)
Forewing pale ochreous or brownish, more or less shining; without dark scale-tufts
Forewing brownish grey or dark brownish grey, with four dark brown scale-tufts
3 (2)
Generally larger species, 16.0-22.0mm. Forewing with two greyish brown discal stigmata, white-edged and connected by a greyish brown longitudinal streak
Late May to early August. Forewing pale ochreous without paler fasciae. Frons white; vertex ochreous. Thorax without longitudinal white lines.
Generally smaller species, 7.0-17.0mm. Forewing without such stigmata
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Forewing with two yellowish white fasciae, the first one slightly beyond middle, complete, straight, bordered silvery, the other at two-thirds, interrupted in middle and not edged silvery
10.0-13.0mm. June and July; in Great Britain to mid October. Forewing pale ochreous, first pale fascia with subcostal patch of black scales outwardly, second pale fascia with subcostal and subdorsal patches of black scales inwardly. Frons shining whitish; vertex shining ochreous. Thorax ochreous with three longitudinal white lines
Forewing with one oblique, complete ochreous or pale ochreous fascia at one-fifth, often with a second one before middle, not reaching costa and dorsum
5 (4)
Larger species, 13.0-17.0mm. Forewing with basal area brown; remaining part of wing ochreous brown without distinct markings
In Central and Southern Europe May and June; the only Dutch specimen was taken late July (outdoors). Frons and vertex yellowish white; thorax yellowish white with pale brown median band posteriorly, tegulae brown.
Smaller species, 7.0-10.0mm. Forewing with basal area predominantly dark brown; remaining part of wing brownish, slightly pinkish-tinged with markings: incomplete pale fascia before middle and also whitish and dark greyish brown streaks
Alien. Frons and vertex brownish; thorax slightly darker without markings. tegulae concolorous.
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Smaller species, 8.5-10.5mm. Forewing slightly broader, costa about five times longer than greatest width wing. Vertex shining greyish brown
Mid June to late August. Forewing brownish grey, with comparatively well-defined paler area in middle of wing. Frons shining ochreous white. Thorax and tegulae greyish brown.
Larger species, 10.0-13.0mm. Forewing slightly narrower, costa about six times longer than greatest width wing. Vertex shining grey, suffused darker laterally and posteriorly
Early July to early August; in Great Britain adults have been found also in September and March, probably it hibernates. Forewing dark brownish grey, with paler area in middle of wing ill-defined. Frons shining greyish white. Thorax and tegulae shining dark brownish grey.
7 (1)
Forewing shining blackish brown with orangeous fascia beyond middle
Forewing with ground colour orangeous brown, usually with margins more or less blackish
8 (7)
Forewing with oblique golden metallic fascia in basal area; basal area without fine white longitudinal lines. Vertex golden metallic anteriorly, shining blackish brown posteriorly
8.0-10.5mm. Late June to early August. Frons pale golden metallic. Thorax shining blackish brown with golden metallic central line, tegulae golden metallic.
Forewing without oblique golden metallic fascia in basal area; basal area with three fine white longitudinal lines and a similar dorsal one. Vertex wholly shining blackish brown
10.0-11.0mm. Mid June to late July; in England to the end of October. Frons shining white. Thorax shining brown with white central line, tegulae shining brown.
9 (7)
Forewing without silvery or golden metallic markings
11.0-14.0mm. Alien. Forewing orangeous brown to beyond middle, ochreous yellow in apical part; with series of greyish longitudinal lines. Frons and vertex brownish. Thorax orangeous brown with greyish logitudinal lines.
Forewing with silvery or golden metallic markings
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Forewing with silvery tornal spot perpendicular to dorsum, pointing to middle of costa. Generally smaller species, 9.0-12.0mm
June; in Great Britain already from late April. Forewing with golden metallic spots. Flagellum shining greyish brown in both sexes with subapical white section and not thickened.
Forewing with silvery tornal spot outwardly oblique, pointing to three-quarters of costa. Generally larger species, 11.0-16.0mm
Flagellum in male uniformly shining greyish brown, not thickened; in female with white sub-apical section and distinctly thickened in middle part.
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Forewing with centre third of dorsum not or only partly suffused with blackish; golden metallic fascia at one-fourth reaching dorsum or nearly so; between this fascia and golden metallic dorsal spot at two-thirds without small golden metallic sub-dorsal spot or only with a few metallic scales
12.0-14.0mm. Late April to late May. Forewing with golden metallic fascia and spots. Flagellum male not thickened, female thickened at one-half to three times basal thickness and then gradually tapering towards apex.
Forewing with centre of dorsum suffused with blackish; golden metallic fascia at one-fourth not reaching to dorsum; between this fascia and golden metallic dorsal spot at two-thirds a small, but distinct golden metallic sub-dorsal spot
11.0-16.0mm. Late April to mid June (in Great Britain). Forewing with metallic fascia and spots. Flagellum male not thickened, female thickened at one-half to twice basal thickness and then gradually tapering towards apex.

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