
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Females (reduced wings)
2 (1)
Labial palpus with segment 2 covered with very long hairs, concealing terminal segment
Dasystoma salicella (part, male)
17.0-20.5mm. Mid March to mid April. Forewing dark brown with two pale ochreous fasciae and whitish ochreous apical suffusion.
Labial palpus with segment 2 covered with rough hairs and scales or not covered with rough hairs/scales
3 (2)
Labial palpus covered with rough hairs and scales, not concealing terminal segment
Labial palpus not covered with hairs or rough scales, smooth
4 (2)
Flagellum evenly ciliated (length cilia equal to diameter flagellum)
Diurnea fagella (part, male)
21.5-28.0mm. Early March to early May. Forewing whitish or ochreous white; indistinct and incomplete angulated blackish fascia at one-third, often a similar subterminal line, blackish stigmata. Melanic forms are common and have grey or blackish forewings with whitish fascia at one-fourth and black stigmata.
Flagellum not evenly ciliated or naked
5 ()
Flagellum with long fascicles of cilia (length cilia four times diameter of flagellum)
D. lipsiella (part, male)
19.5-25.0mm. Early October to early December. Forewing ochreous brown, variably and indistinctly marked, e.g. with pale or dark shades from base, whitish sprinkling at middle of costa and in disc beyond middle, dark stigmata or a dark shade in distal area.
Flagellum naked and 4 fifth length of forewing
Smaller species, 9.0-12.0mm. Late March to late April. Forewing rather shining dark greyish brown. Fresh specimens with scattered pale ochreous scales.
6 (1)
Smaller species, 6.0-10.0mm. Forewing less than half as long as abdomen
Dasystoma salicella (part, female)
Mid March to mid April. Forewing greyish white with two blackish fasciae. Hindwing very small, occasionally absent.
Larger species, 15.0-20.0mm. Forewing somewhat longer than abdomen
7 (6)
Labial palpus with length four times eye-diameter
Diurnea fagella (part, female)
15.0-20.0mm. Early March to early May. Colour and pattern of forewing similar to male (couplet 3), also melanic forms similar to male.
Labial palpus with length two times eye-diameter
D. lipsiella (part, female)
15.0-18.0mm. Early October to early December. Forewing greyish white with longitudinal black streaks.
8 (3)
Abdomen dorsally dark greyish brown (unreliable character)
18.0-22.0mm. 20.June to 1.August. Forewing comparatively narrow: length costa more than three and a half times greatest width; without any ochreous tinge; stigmata blackish brown, relatively distinct. Very similar to Tubuliferola latipennella and T. flavifrontella. Inspection of male genitalia possible without dissection after brushing posterior tip abdomen: valva much longer than broad, ventral margin gradually curved upward.
Abdomen dorsally ochreous to dark brown (unreliable character)
Forewing with length costa about three to three and a half times greatest width or more, often with slightly ochreous tinge; stigmata dark brown, indistinct or obsolete. Male genitalia (inspection without dissection) with short, subtriangular valva.
9 (7)
Forewing broader and apex more rounded; length costa three times greatest width or slightly less
18.0-22.5mm. 21.April to 2.June. Forewing with stigmata usually indistinct. Valva with dorsal margin straight.
Forewing narrower and apex more pointed; length costa three and a half times greatest width or more
18.0-23.0mm. 20.May to 6.July. Forewing with stigmata usually obsolete. Valva with dorsal margin sinuate.

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