
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel


28. TORTRICIDAE Subfamilies

Hindwing upperside with cubital pecten. Forewing usually with distinct costal strigulae
Hindwing upperside without cubital pecten. Forewing usually without distinct costal strigulae
2 (1)
Labial palp very long, approximately three times eye-diameter, extending beyond head by twice length of head (dorsal view)
28.1 Tortricinae (part)
Labial palpus porrected. Forewing without costal strigulae. Only one species, Sparganothis pilleriana.
Labial palp shorter, extending beyond head by a distance at most equal to that of length head
28.3 Olethreutinae
Forewing usually with distinct costal strigulae.
3 (1)
Forewing with vein 1c absent or obsolete throughout
28.1 Tortricinae (part)
Forewing with veins 1a and 1b originating separated from base, but often converging and confluent for more than two-thirds. Formerly considered as a separate family, Cochylidae.
Forewing with vein 1c at least distinct near posterior margin
Forewing with 1a and 1b originating separated from base, but often converging and confluent for more than two-thirds.
4 (3)
Hindwing with 6 and 7 originating clearly separated from cell
28.2 Chlidanotinae
Veins 6 and 7 in hindwing may converge afterwards, confluent for a short distance and again diverging posteriorly. Only two species, Olindia schumacheriana and Isotrias rectifasciana.
Hindwing with 6 and 7 stalked, originating from one point or very closely approximated towards cell
28.1 Tortricinae (part)

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