
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Forewing blackish brown with silvery dots. Labial palpus with segment 2 tufted with long rough hair-scales beneath
Forewing dark brown or reddish brown without silvery dots. Labial palpus with segment 2 thickened with scales beneath, but without long hair-scales
2 (1)
Forewing with postmedian line of bluish silver spots usually followed by a brownish band, slightly paler than ground colour from costa oftn reaching to tornus; area of white irroration extending from middle of dorsum to at least half-way across wing, sometimes indistinct; cilia at least in tornal two-thirds with greyish subapical cilia line
9.0-12.0mm. June to September. For identification of male without dissection see P. myllerana.
Forewing without such a brownish band; area of irroration extending from middle of dorsum to at most half-way across wing; cilia at most in tornal half with greyish subapical cilia line
9.5-14.0mm. Late May to early September. Males can be identified without dissection by the costal process of the valva which is subapical in P. myllerana, not exceeding cucullus, and apical in P. sehestediana, exceeding cucullus.
3 (1)
Hindwing dark greyish brown with postmedian whitish line from tornus to middle of wing
11.0-16.0mm. Late April to mid October. Forewing dark brown with variable whitish irroration.
Hindwing dark greyish brown without pale line
11.0-15.0mm. Mid June to late October. Forewing with ground colour variable, from ochreous through reddish brown to dark greyish brown.

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