
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Forewing unicolorous, unmarked or almost so
Forewing with base of costa often blackish brown.
Forewing with markings, at least mottled or irrorated
Markings of forewing may consist of dark stigmata, hyaline discal spot or other pale or dark spots.
2 (1)
Antenna of almost equal length costa forewing
10.0-16.0mm. July (only one specimen); alien? Forewing unicolorous greyish brown. Hindwing paler, slightly hyaline.
Antenna with length to between two-thirds and four-fifth length costa forewing
3 (2)
Forewing yellowish with slight reddish ochreous tinge, glossy
9.0-16.0mm. April to October (indoors). Frons and vertex ochreous, sometimes with greyish tinge; antenna three-quarters length of costa forewing.
Forewing pale greyish brown, scales tipped paler, not glossy
8.0-16.0mm. Mid May to early August. Frons and vertex ochreous brown to dark brown; antenna two-thirds length of costa forewing. For marked form see couplet 14.
4 (1)
Forewing ochreous or brown, mottled or irrorated with darker and paler scales, without definite markings, often somewhat cloudy
Forewing sometimes with a series of rather indistinct small costal spots.
Forewing with definite markings
5 (4)
Smaller species, 8.0-11.0mm. Forewing brown with many scattered white scales
Late May to early August. Forewing often with ill-defined, faint pale costal and terminal spots. Frons and vertex creamy to ochreous.
Larger species, 11.0-20.0mm. Forewing brown with slight gloss and with many scattered dark brown scales
6 (5)
7 (6)
Genitalia with uncus visible as two strongly sclerotized curled processes, longer than valva (inspection without dissection)
Haplotinea insectella (part, male)
11.0-20.0mm. Late April to early September.
Genitalia with uncus visible as two lobes with short points, distinctly shorter than valva (inspection without dissection)
H. ditella (part, male)
14.0-20.0mm. Alien. June to October (in Britain).
8 (6)
Genitalia with ductus bursae not sclerotized (inspection without dissection)
H. insectella (part, female)
Genitalia with ductus bursae provided with small sclerotized plates (inspection without dissection)
H. ditella (part, female)
9 (4)
Forewing with one to three dark stigmata, usually no or few additional markings
The three stigmata of forewing are the plical and first and second dorsal stigmata; second discal always present, occasionally indistinct.
Forewing without stigmata
10 (9)
Forewing more or less irrorated with dark brown and with dark brown chequering in apical area on costa and termen, the dark spots extending into basal part of fringe.
Forewing at most weakly irrorated, without chequering in margins
11 (10)
Frons and vertex dirty ochreous brown, sometimes ferruginous. Forewing with dark stigmata sometimes joined; fringe with outer half distinctly paler beyond a weak dark median line.
11.0-17.0mm. Late March to early October. Forewing rather densely irrorated with dark brown; stigmata dark brown, large, first discal often absent, but additional spots may be present.
Frons and vertex bright ochreous white. Forewing with dark stigmata not joined; fringe unicolorous, with distinct blackish brown median line
9.0-14.0mm. Late June to mid August. Forewing weakly irrorated with dark brown; stigmata markedly smaller and more discrete; first discal present.
12 (10)
Frons and vertex bright yellow. Forewing ochreous yellow
11.0-17.0mm. Late April to early September. Forewing more or less suffused with darker scales; stigmata blackish brown, plical stigma largest, first discal small or absent, second smaller but distinct.
Frons and vertex pale ochreous to brownish, sometimes with ferruginous or orange tinge. Forewing from pale to dark greyish brown, sometimes greyish ochreous
13 (12)
Forewing with conspicuous narrow hyaline spot at base of costa
12mm. June. Forewing pale greyish brown, sprinkled with dark greyish brown scales; stigmata greyish brown, first discal and plical spots ill-defined, second discal small, but rather distinct. Hyaline spot lacks scales on underside of wing and is covered above with thin, colourless scales or scales of ground colour; other Tinea-species may also have such a hyaline spot, but in T. steueri it is more conspicuous and the costa is convex around the spot. Frons and vertex ochreous, slightly reddish.
Forewing without conspicuous narrow hyaline spot at base of costa
14 (13)
Forewing with stigmata weak or absent.
8.0-16.0mm. Mid May to early August. Forewing greyish brown with paler tipped scales; first discal always absent, second discal present (usually indistinct), plical often absent (if present, represented by slight suffusion along fold). Frons and vertex ochreous brown to dark brown. For unmarked form see couplet 3.
Forewing with the three stigmata present
Forewing with first discal and plical occasionally indistinct.
15 (14)
Forewing with conspicuous discal and plical stigmata and additional dark markings or dense suffusion along fold (basad of normal plical), at base and at apex
12.0-25.0mm. Alien. Continuous breeding. Forewing pale greyish brown, variably sprinkled or suffused with brown; plical markings sometimes connected; hyaline spot at base of costa absent. Hindwing pale brown, slightly brassy. Frons and vertex pale ochreous brown, somewhat greyish.
Forewing except for the three stigmata without markings and usually without marking-like suffusion
16 (15)
Hindwing grey, dark grey towards apex; fringe brownish, colour slightly differing from from wing. Forewing dirty brownish grey, usually with a few scattered pale ochreous scales, giving an overall dark coloration; first discal stigma and plical rather large and elongate, but sometimes indistinct, second discal round, distinct
8.0-12.0mm. Late May to early August. Forewing with hyaline spot at base of costa narrow and inconspicuous. Melanistic and pale (gold coloured) specimens are known. Frons and vertex greyish ochre, often with ferruginous brown tinge.
Hindwing shining whitish grey, darker and slightly brassy towards margins and near apex; fringe concolorous with wing. Forewing greyish ochreous with irregular sprinkling of brownish scales and a variable amount of pale scales; discal and plical stigma rather large and distinct
9.0-16.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing with hyaline spot at base of costa usually distinct, contrasting with dark wing-base. Frons and vertex ochreous brown, often with slight reddish tinge.
17 (9)
Forewing with roundish or oval hyaline spot at end of cell, sometimes partially obscured with dark scales or included in whitish costal blotch
Forewing without hyaline discal spot
18 (17)
Forewing blackish brown with large subtrapezoidal creamy white costal blotch. Frons and vertex white
12.0-20.0mm. Late May to early October. Forewing with hyaline spot included in costal blotch. Frons, vertex and thorax white.
Forewing dark brown, blackish brown or greyish violet without large whitish costal blotch. Frons and vertex dirty white to ochreous yellow
19 (18)
Forewing dark brown with distinct yellow or ochreous dorsal streak
Forewing dark brown, blackish brown or greyish violet without paler dorsal streak
20 (19)
Forewing with costa finely edged dirty yellow from basal half to near apex; pale costal spots absent
M. imella (part)
Form with pale dorsal area. See couplet 23.
Forewing with costa not edged paler; a variable number of small whitish costal spots
21 (20)
Forewing more or less irrorated with whitish or yellowish scales, particularly near costa and in distal third; dorsal streak ochreous
10.0-16.0mm. Late May to early October. Hindwing pale grey, darker towards apex.
Forewing without paler irroration, if occurring, restricted to costal area; dorsal streak deep yellow
10.0-13.0mm. Mid May to early October. Hindwing blackish grey with coppery and purplish gloss.
22 (19)
Forewing with large, ill-defined triangular ochreous costal spot beyond middle of costal and a similar dorsal spot slightly basad of it
11.0-16.0mm. May to July. Forewing coppery brown with purplish gloss; hyaline spot elongate, in middle of wing. Frons and vertex dirty ochreous yellow.
Forewing without such spots
23 (22)
Forewing yellowish brown to purplish brown; underside fringe unicolorous pale without dark cilia-line or dark scaling; costal spots absent
M. imella (part)
11.0-14.5mm. June to August. Forewing with hyaline spot oval, in middle of wing, sometimes partially obscured with dark scales; sparse sprinkling of large whitish scales, particularly near apex; cilia-line sometimes partially present. Frons and vertex dirty pale yellow-ochreous. See couplet 20.
Forewing dark greyish violet, often almost black; underside fringe with dark cilia-line or irregularly chequered; series of costal spots present
Forewing with hyaline spot roundish.
24 (23)
Forewing with yellow tornal spot comparatively small or absent; hyaline spot well before middle of wing (at two-fifth length costa)
13.0-20.0mm. Late April to early October. Forewing violet blackish grey, irrorated with whitish scales (sometimes wing partly whitish); underside with fringe irregularly and indistinctly chequered and with distinct dark median line. Frons and vertex pale ochreous yellow.
Forewing with yellow tornal spot conspicuous, usually triangular; hyaline spot just before middle of wing
13.0-18.0mm. Early May to early September. Forewing violet-black, slightly or not irrorated with whitish scales; underside fringe with dark median line indistinct or absent. Frons and vertex pale ochreous yellow.
25 (17)
Forewing with basal third purplish, rest of wing whitish
15.0-22.0 mm. Mid May to early September. Upper part frons and vertex white, lower part of frons greyish.
Forewing without such characteristic pattern
26 (25)
Forewing with distal part bright ferruginous; a conspicuous blackish brown tornal spot
14.0-22.0mm. Mid May to early October. Forewing pale grey. Irregularly suffused pale ferruginous in basal two-thirds. Frons and vertex deep ferruginous.
Forewing with distal third not ferruginous
27 (26)
Forewing comparatively narrow, length costa five to six times broadest width of wing
Forewing comparatively broad, length costa four times or less broadest width of wing
28 (27)
Smaller species, 7.5-14.0mm. Forewing with three scale tufts, one halfway blackish, two at three-fourth dull whitish, sprinkled with bluish silver scales (sometimes less metallic)
May to September. Forewing brown with darker suffusion, often forming two dark fasciae; whole wing sprinkled with plumbeous grey scales. Frons greyish yellow, vertex dirty ferruginous.
Larger species, 18.0-28.0 mm. Forewing without scale tufts
Head in side view tapering towards vertex.
29 (28)
Forewing with whitish tornal spot, plical fold with conspicuous blackish brown suffusion
18.0-21.0mm. September to February (abroad).
Forewing without whitish tornal spot, plical fold without blackish brown suffusion
20.0-28.0mm. February to November (in greenhouses).
30 (27)
Forewing blackish brown with four (sometimes three) large, conspicuous white marginal spots, two costal and dorsal
15.0-22.0mm. Mid May to late June. Forewing blackish brown, sometimes with additional white spots. Frons and vertex whitish to ochreous yellow.
Forewing with markings otherwise
31 (30)
Forewing dark brown with pale ochreous or silvery fascia before middle
Forewing with markings otherwise
32 (31)
Forewing with markings shining silvery
8.0-9.0mm. July and early August. Forewing with distinct fascia and marginal spots, spot at base of dorsum absent. Frons whitish, vertex brownish.
Forewing with markings pale ochreous
9.0-12.0mm. June and July (in England). Forewing with rather indistinct fascia, occasionally interrupted, and costal and dorsal spots, comprising a spot at base. Frons and vertex ochreous yellow.
33 (31)
Forewing predominantly dark with paler markings
Forewing predominantly pale with darker markings
34 (33)
Hindwing with greatest width distinctly exceeding length fringe in middle of wing
Hindwing with greatest width hardly exceeding length fringe in middle of wing
35 (34)
Smaller species, 8.0-12.0mm. Forewing dark brown with one or two yellowish fasciae, sometimes obsolete. Hindwing dark brown without purplish tinge. Vertex rough-haired between antennae, smooth behind them
June to October (in wine-cellars). Forewing marked variably. Hindwing brownish grey. Frons and vertex ferruginous.
Larger species, 16.0-21.0mm. Forewing brown with many pale spots. Hindwing blackish brown with purplish gloss. Vertex wholly rough-haired
Late April to early September. Forewing with many scattered small whitish spots; a series of whitish and blackish brown costal spots. Frons and vertex ochreous yellow.
36 (34)
Forewing without whitish dot in disc at three-quarters, at most some whitish irroration at this position
9.0-16.0mm. Late February to early October. Forewing greyish brown with white or pale ochreous markings, sometimes narrowed in middle (not mixed reddish brown); dark median costal spot usually trapezoid, sometimes narrowed in middle; fringe irregularly chequered, usually with a pair of whitish bars near apex and another towards tornus outside a line of dark-tipped scales. Frons and vertex ochreous mixed dark brown on vertex and at sides. Dark specimens. See also couplet 45.
Forewing with whitish dot in disc at three-quarters, occasionally less distinct
37 (36)
Forewing with dark median costal spot usually indistinct, only visible near costa; below merging with blackish brown ground colour
10.0-14.0mm. June and July. Forewing blackish brown with silvery white markings, not mixed reddish brown; fringe with five bars between apex and tornus, sometimes irregularly barred. Frons and vertex pale ochreous mixed with dark brown on vertex and at sides.
Forewing with dark median costal spot distinct
N. cloacella (part)
10.0-18.0mm. Late March to early October. Forewing dark brown, whitish markings usually mixed with ochreous and dark brown suffusion; dark median dorsal spot always narrowed in middle; fringe irregularly chequered. Frons and vertex pale ochreous to brownish ochreous, mixed dark brown on vertex and sides. Dark specimens. See also couplet 46.
38 (33)
Vertex pure white
Forewing predominantly pure white, occasionally with weak brown scaling and with dark median fascia, sometimes broken into costal and dorsal spots or reduced to a dark median costal spot. Vertex sometimes with a few dark brown hairs.
Vertex ochreous white to brown
Forewing predominantly white or ochreous white to brown; markings similar or otherwise.
39 (38)
Forewing with triangular brownish orange median mark, its apex reaching to dorsum or nearly so; distinct dark median costal spot or fascia absent
12.0-19.0mm. Mid May to early September. Forewing whitish, suffused yellowish brown.
Forewing with distinct dark median spot or fascia
40 (39)
Forewing with dark median angulated fascia occasionally broken into costal and dorsal spots
12.0-15.0mm. Late May to early September. Forewing white with some ochreous irroration.
Forewing with dark median costal spot terminating in middle of wing
41 (40)
Forewing with dark median costal spot dorsally and costally nearly of equal width
9.0-14.0mm. Late May to late August. Tegulae at base with blackish brown dot. Forewing comparatively narrow; whitish with dark brown suffusion.
Forewing with dark median costal spot, markedly narrower dorsally than costally
42 (41)
Forewing with distinct dark terminal spots and dark basal patch, the latter extending to fold
12.0-16.0mm. May to August (in East Germany). Tegulae without dark dot. Forewing whitish with brown irroration and strigulation.
Forewing with dark terminal spots and dark basal patch absent or indistinct, the latter not extending to fold
12.0-16.0mm. July and August (in Germany).
43 (38)
Forewing ochreous with four to six dark grey costal spots and at most three dorsals, sometimes costal and dorsal spots linked to form three fasciae
7.0-13.0mm. Late June to early August. Frons and vertex ochreous. Length antenna almost equal to length costa forewing.
Forewing white, whitish, pale ochreous or pale reddish brown and marked otherwise
44 (43)
Larger species, 20.0-30.0mm. Forewing with dark median fascia distinct on dorsum and costa
May to early September. Forewing pale ochreous, suffused brown, strigulated blackish brown. Frons and vertex pale ochreous.
Smaller species, 9.0-18.0mm. Forewing with dark median fascia represented by costal spot only
45 (44)
Forewing without whitish dot in disc at three-quarters, at most some whitish irroration at this position
9.0-16.0mm. Late February to early October. Forewing white or pale ochreous with greyish or greyish brown markings (not mixed reddish brown). Pale specimens. See also couplet 36.
Forewing with whitish dot in disc at three-quarters, occasionally less distinct
46 (45)
Forewing pale reddish brown, more pronounced in distal third; whitish dot in disc at three-quarters indistinct
10.0- 14.0mm. June and July. Forewing with dark brown markings; fringe with two dark lines and at least two whitish bars. Frons and vertex creamy with a few brown hairs.
Forewing pale ochreous, more or less suffused dark brown; whitish dot in distal three-quarters very clear
N. cloacella (part)
10.0-18.0mm. Late March to early October. Forewing with dark brown markings. See couplet 37.

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