
[EN] Key to the families

[NL] Familiesleutel



Vertex black
7.0-8.5mm. May and June. Forewing purplish gold with golden markings, viz. a spot or fascia at one-quarter and a fascia half-way.
Vertex yellowish, ochreous or ferruginous
2 (1)
Forewing golden or bronzy golden without paler or darker fasciae
Forewing with basal area wholly or partly purplish.
Forewing with paler or darker fasciae
Forewing bronzy golden with silvery white markings or golden with purplish fasciae or purplish with golden fasciae.
3 (2)
Forewing with only costal half of basal area purplish
M. aruncella (part, female)
6.0-8.5mm. May to early July.
Forewing with basal area wholly purplish
7.0-9.5mm. Late April to early June.
4 (2)
Forewing bronzy golden with silvery white markings
M. aruncella (part, male)
6.0-8.5mm. May to early July. Forewing with a narrow, usually incomplete fascia at one-quarter, a narrow fascia half-way and sometimes a spot in apical area.
Forewing golden with purplish fasciae or purplish with silvery golden fasciae
5 (4)
Forewing bronzy golden with reddish purple markings
8.0-11.5mm. Late April and May. Forewing with costal spot near base and three usually incomplete fasciae, the second one costally bifurcate.
Forewing purplish violet with silvery golden markings
6 (5)
Forewing with silvery golden markings only
8.0-11.0mm. May to early June. Forewing with a fascia at one-quarter, occasionally incomplete, a fascia half-way and a usually incomplete fascia at three-quarters.
Forewing with silvery golden markings but in addition basal area partly greenish golden and with a streak of the same colour along termen
7 (6)
Forewing with greenish golden colour in basal half along dorsum from base to one-half, reaching median fascia and towards costa not beyond half of wing
8.7-12.2mm. May and June (in Central Europe).
Forewing with greenish golden colour in basal half along dorsum not reaching median fascia and towards costa beyond half of wing, often reaching costa
9.2-12.1mm. Late April and May (in Central Europe).

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